Campus Weekly

News and Announcements

Dr. Cervantes' 'My View' column addresses Midtown Campus
Interim President Cecilia Cervantes, Ph.D., recently wrote a My View column for the Santa Fe New Mexican that addresses how SFCC could lend expertise and serve in a vital role in the development of the midtown campus (the city-owned site previously occupied by Santa Fe University and Design). Read “SFCC, higher ed center ready to participate in midtown campus.”

Women's locker room construction continues June 15-18
Plant Operations and Management reports additional work is required to complete the tile work for the two ADA-compliant shower stalls in the women’s locker room at the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center.
The work is scheduled to begin Friday, June 15 and is expected to be completed the morning of Monday, June 18. During this time, the locker area of the room will remain available with access through the pool entrance. The restrooms and main showers will NOT be accessible during construction.
Please contact the Fitness Education Center Academic Director, Ute Jannsen-Kerr at 428-1420 for FEC related questions and our Plant Operations & Maintenance Department Office at 428-1670 if you have any questions regarding the project.

In Memoriam: Richard Marchese
Longtime SFCC staff member, part-time instructor and grant-writing consultant since, Richard Marchese passed away earlier this month. Most recently, he assisted in raising funds for the First Born® Home Visiting Program for first-time parents, a new initiative of SFCC’s Early Childhood Center of Excellence. He was a mentor and a teacher, and his legacy lives on through his positive influence on students and colleagues.
Condolences to his friends and family. Read more about his life and services.

Grantsmanship Course July 23-27, early bird tuition rate extended
CE will host a Grantsmanship Training Program July 23-27. The intensive, five-day, hands-on workshop for nonprofit and government grantseekers will guide participants step by step through all stages of planning programs, researching funding sources and writing proposals.
Sign up before June 18 to take advantage of the early bird discount rate of $995.
For more information, see the press release.

Celebrating the Life of Siegfried Halus
Join in celebrating the life and photographic legacy of Siegfried Maximilian Halus from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., Thurs., June 14 in the Fine Arts Center Foyer. For more information contact Linda Cassel, ext. 1855.

Save the Date, June 20
The Office of Student Development invites you to come and have some fun in the sun at the annual Summer “Q” from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wed., June 20 in the Courtyard.

Volunteer for Pancakes on the Plaza
SFCC is once again supporting Santa Fe’s Pancakes on the Plaza July 4. If you’re interested in volunteering, please visit the volunteer site for info and to sign up.
Student Spotlight

How do you contact Financial Aid?
If you can’t visit the Financial Aid office, email from your SFCC email account and include your student ID number or call 505-428-1268. Se habla Español.

Printmaking student creates art that explores state's atomic history
Shelley Longmire, who has studied printmaking for five years at the college, has created a series of images that offer her artistic reflection of the state’s atomic history. Three of her prints are now featured in the Santa Fe Opera’s gift shop, as well as six of her cards. The artwork serves as a great tie-in to SFO’s production of “Doctor Atomic.” Her work incorporates monoprints with mixed media. She is also selling her cards at New Mexico History Museum gift shop. The Los Alamos-raised artist finds inspiration from the Manhattan Project — the intensity and secrecy of the mission, the landscape and the people who made this bold idea a reality.
Photo: Shelley Longmire’s card, “Trinity,” is one of six being sold at the Santa Fe Opera Gift shop and at the New Mexico History Museum Gift Shop.

Rocky Horror Picture Show Tickets, June 15
Are you an SFCC student interested in attending the June 15 performance of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Santa Fe Playhouse?
The Center for Diversity and Integrated Learning has 20 free tickets reserved for SFCC students, generously donated by the Santa Fe Playhouse and Envision. The performance is 7:30 p.m., Friday, June 15 at the Santa Fe Playhouse, 142 East DeVargas Street. Cast mingle at 9:15 p.m. at Casa Espana, 321 W. San Francisco St.
Please email before they disappear. First come, first serve. Tickets are also available for $20, with code LGBTQ20.

Creative Writing for Fall
The SFCC English Department has released a flyer compiling its creative writing offerings for the fall semester. Check out the flyer.

Veterans Scholarship
The City of Santa Fe Veterans’ Advisory Board and the SFCC Foundation provide the SFCC Scholarship for Veterans and Dependents.
The application for the 2018-2019 is currently available on the SFCC Financial Aid webpage. Applications are still being accepted.

Respiratory Care
Applications for the Respiratory Care 2018 cohort are open now and will be accepted on a first come first served basis until the Fall 2018 Cohort is full.
Meet the Department and drop in Advising
in Room 442 on:
Thursday: June 14 from 3 to 6 p.m.
Wednesdays: July 11 and July 25 from 3 to 6 p.m.
For more information about the program, assistance with the application process and academic advising, please contact Rebecca Jeffs, ext. 1723 or Cahalan Fiddes, ext. 1462.
The 2018 application, application instructions and program information is available on the SFCC Respiratory Care page.

Paramedic program accepting application through July 31
Santa Fe Community College’s Emergency Medical Services Institute is accepting Paramedic Training Program applications through July 31 for the year-long certificate program that starts October 15. Get all the details.
For more information on the SFCC’s Emergency Medical Services Institute or to download a copy of the application, go to or contact director Sahaj Khalsa at 505-428-1820 or

Dental Program accepting applications for fall 2018
SFCC’s Dental Department is accepting applications now for earning a Certificate in Dental Assisting, an Associate degree in Dental Health and/or a Certificate in Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA) applications for fall 2018.
The application and qualification criteria for the program can be found online. For more information, contact Dental Department Director Aamna Nayyar, ext. 1258.
Employee Announcements

Dr. Lovato on KSFR, June 15
Associate Professor of Speech Communication Andrew Lovato, Ph.D., has been named the City of Santa Fe’s third historian. Listen in as Lovato, an author and lecturer, discusses his approach to looking at Santa Fe’s history from different angles.
Friday, June 15 at 4 p.m. he will be the guest on KSFR’s Cline’s Corner, hosted by Lynn Cline.
Learn about TRiO from our students

“If it wasn’t for the TRiO program I wonder how much of a lost puppy I would be. I recommend this program to all my friends and other students, and I hope they take the opportunity to join because it’s great.” — Shawn Pacheco, SFCC student
Read Shawn’s full testimonial about TRiO.
Applications for the program are available in room LL313, downstairs in the West Wing. For more information visit here, email or call 505-428-1364.