Campus Weekly
Welcome Dean James Wysong, Ed.D., to SFCC
SFCC welcomes James Wysong, Ed.D., Dean of Arts, Design, and Media Arts and of Liberal Arts.
Dr. Wysong is a community college graduate and has a strong background in community college education, both as a faculty member and an administrator. Previously, he was Dean of Associate of Arts for the Dale Mabry Campus of Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, Florida.
Prior to that he was a faculty member, department chair, and science program manager at the Brandon Campus of Hillsborough Community College. During his tenure as a faculty member, he served on many committees, including General Education, Academic Affairs, and the Campus and College-wide Tenure and Promotion Committees. He also served on the faculty union council, and was the vice-president and chief negotiator for the union. As a member of the administrative bargaining team, he remained active in collective bargaining, negotiating on behalf of the college with both the full-time and part-time faculty unions.
As a dean, Dr. Wysong was successful in developing and managing numerous grants and initiatives focused on increasing the number of women and minorities in STEM, and in improving the retention, success, and completion of Hispanic students in college transfer programs.
For more information please read this press release.
News and Announcements

Testing Center to provide GED testing in July
The Testing Center is now able to provide GED testing services to those who are seeking to complete their GED this summer. The month of July is dedicated to GED testing. People able to take their GED can go to to register, select and pay for their exams. The Testing Center will be offering the exams from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but you must register in advance.
Please note: Due to Covid 19, students have not had access to the GED test. It is important that students take advantage of this opportunity to complete their GED as it might not be available again during the fall semester.

Register for Communicating During COVID-19: An Interactive Workshop for Faculty, Staff and Students
Communicating During COVID-19: An Interactive (Zoom) Workshop for Faculty, Staff and Students workshop from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 14, will help faculty, staff and students to communicate more effectively, more compassionately, and more reliably – both at work and in the classroom.
Attendees can expect to gain easy, practical strategies for managing emails, participating in online meetings, and creating supportive and collaborative online classroom environments. Teachers, managers and students alike will leave this workshop with effective skills to be reliable, productive and supportive communicators in any context.
The workshop is presented by Val Nye, SFCC Library Director, and Kate McCahill, Assistant Professor of English.
To attend, you must register in advance here.

Inside SFCC 2020, Vol. 3
In the latest issue of Inside SFCC read all about SFCC’s new Massage Therapy program, continuing response to the COVID-19 crisis, and crucial conversations about race and equity.

Campus path closed June 29 to July 10
The campus sidewalk/bikepath along the loop adjacent to the Automotive Technology Center (ATC) construction site will be closed for two weeks starting Monday, June 29th, and ending on Sunday, July 10, 2020 in order to allow the construction of the ATC’s driveway.

AAS in Engineering Machining Technology approved by HED
After much anticipation, the HED has approved the AAS in Engineering Machining Technology, the degree plan has been activated in the 2020-2021 catalog, and the major is available for students to declare!
The Engineering Machining Technology Program provides students with an opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to enter the workplace as competent, entry-level machinists.
Students accepted into the daytime cohort will receive LANL support during their education at SFCC. The LANL daytime cohort will attend classes on campus Monday through Thursday and participate in a machining technologies internship at LANL on Fridays.

SFCC worked with AMP Concerts for state's first drive-in concert
SFCC’s Director of Recruitment and Dual Credit Marcos Maez welcomed concertgoers on June 20. He said the college enjoys serving the community and he encouraged people to think about enrolling in classes this fall. He emphasized that SFCC’s staff is here to help with registration and to help people achieve their dreams. The Detroit Lightning concert produced by AMP Concerts was presented in the SFCC main parking lot.
Photo: Marcos Maez speaks to the crowd, while his image is projected on the large screen behind him. See this photo larger.

Library books and laptops due from spring semester
A Friendly Reminder:
All library items checked out from the library during the spring semester were due on May 31. Please return all items (except laptops) to the campus book drops located outside the buildings. One book drop is in the campus parking lot circle at the main entrance and another book drop is on the east side of campus in the parking lot behind the Health and Sciences Center. Library staff is checking the book drops daily.
If you have an overdue laptop please make an appointment to return the laptop by making a reservation by clicking here.
If you have any questions please contact the library at: or 505-428-1352

Policy updates
Last month, the SFCC Governing Board approved a minor revision to Policy 7-1 Information Technology Resources, Usage and Security with the addition of a reference to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley ACT(GLBA) Safeguards Rule.
All employees are required to be familiar with and adhere to college policies, which are posted at SFCC/policies. If you have questions or would like to learn more about policies or the Shared Governance Policy Review Process, contact Policy Officer Laura J. Mulry at ext. 1776 or
PDAC's statement on George Floyd's murder on Juneteenth
The June 19, 2020 statement begins:
Black Lives Matter.
George Floyd’s life was stolen by a white police officer. We witness that his life was taken as result of systemic racist practice and the authorities who uphold it. A bankrupt system of violence, oppression, brutality and aggression that must be reformed.
We respond to this atrocity with our eyes opened demanding change. We hear and see the pain of our communities. We cannot change this pain but we can provide a path to bring justice, and reform to defeat racism. Being “not racist” is not adequate. We must be anti-racist.
Read the full statement on the PDAC web page.

Please note changes in fall tuition and fees
Changes in tuition and fees that were approved at the May 8 special governing board meeting are in effect for the 2020-2021 academic year.
SFCC is waiving its online distance learning fees for the summer and fall semesters – a savings of up to $75

Operation Bandana still needs help with mask making, phone calls, deliveries and more!
Nursing students and CNAs Erin Price and Robin Carrillo Ortiz started the group, Operation Bandana New Mexico in March to make face masks for NM health care workers. Note, these are not N95 masks, but masks for extra protection.
Follow the Operation Bandana New Mexico link to sign up to help. If you aren’t on Facebook, you can sign up to volunteer in different capacities (sew, cut, make phone calls, donate sanitation supplies, etc.) at this link:
Operation Bandana NM Google Forms Sign-up
The group provides mask materials and needs people to sew at all levels. Please disclose your sewing skill level so they can determine what is appropriate as some of the material is like gold!
We recently spoke with the duo and their main request: We Need More Help With All Tasks.

Automotive Technologies Center progress
Construction is progressing rapidly on the Automotive Technologies Center. All steel has been erected and the building will soon be fully enclosed. Though the project may experience some delays due to covid-19, it remains well within budget and on track to receive a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification.
See the latest images on Facebook SFCC in this Together.
View larger photo here.

Student Emergency Assistance Fund - still accepting donations!
SFCC Foundation has established the Student Emergency Assistance Fund to help students in need during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
Please help us grow this fund and help as many of our students as possible at this difficult time by making a donation today!
If you have trouble accessing the donation site, please try a different browser. Google Chrome is recommended.
If you are a student and wish to apply for emergency assistance, follow this link to apply online.

Fall registration continues! Consider taking a class
SFCC’s fall semester registration continues.
You need to use the Look for Classes in the drop down menu.
Employees: Please consider using your EEB benefit to take classes.
Perhaps, you have a family member graduating from high school. Help them get a jump start on college by enrolling now. Have them reach out to the Welcome and Advising Center at or call 505-428-1270 to get started.
Please read the fall registration press release.

Chef Jerry Dakan featured in SF Reporter's cover story
SFCC’s Chef Jerry Dakan was featured on the cover of the July 1 SF Reporter as well as in this cover story, “Feeding Frenzy: When the COVID-19 pandemic amplified local hunger, these Santa Feans stepped up.”

Sharing stories related to Midtown Campus
There have been many recent stories related to the development of Midtown Campus. SFCC and Santa Fe Higher Education Center are key partners. Here are some updates:
Santa Fe New Mexican, 5/28/2020, “More sound stages slated for midtown”
Santa Fe New Mexican, 5/19/2020, “More details emerge for midtown campus vision”
Albuquerque Journal, 5/17/2020, “Santa Fe Art Institute carves out a niche on Midtown campus”
Albuquerque Journal, 5/12/2020, “Santa Fe hears from Midtown developer”

SFCC in the news
The following stories either featured or mentioned SFCC or one of its employees.
7/1/20, “Building a quality workforce a priority for New Mexico early education department” Article includes quotes from Kids Campus Director Michelle Rosen.
6/19/20, Santa Fe New Mexican “Higher Education cuts could freeze hiring, jeopardize research aid.”
Santa Fe New Mexican, 6/21/20, “Summer programming if you can find it offers respite for families” A CE class is highlighted in the story.
EIN News, 5/28/2020, “ECECD Holds First Transition Committee Meeting in Partnership with The Hunt Institute”
Santa Fe New Mexican, May 27/2020, “SFCC announces facility closures and staff reduction”
Student Spotlight

SGA prepares packages for graduates
Student Government Association President Ian Widrick Martinez shows the 2020 graduation tassels that are being sent to graduates, as well as an SFCC branded face mask such as the one he’s wearing.
Ian worked with Student Involvement Coordinator Mary Eleas and staff from the Office of the Registrar to pack the degree and certificate covers, cords, the face masks and the tassels.
See more photos.

Apply for 2020-2021 SFCC and Foundation Scholarships
SFCC has state institutional and Foundation private scholarships available for new and returning students to help pay for college for the upcoming academic year.
Scholarships are available for full and part-time students in all qualified areas of study including but not limited to: Business, Early Childhood, Engineering, Nursing, Computer Studies, Culinary and more.
There are scholarships for Native American students, Hispanic students and students with disabilities (must be registered with the SAS department), international and non-U.S. citizens.
Financial need, a minimum cumulative and term GPA of 2.50 and enrollment in at least 6 credit hours in a degree plan are required for most scholarships.
You may apply for an SFCC scholarship now at:
A Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a Dreamer’s Financial Aid Application (non-US Citizens only) will be required to determine need. The Dreamers Financial Aid Application can be found at: under “FORMS”.
If you have questions please email the Financial Aid Office at from your SFCC student email account. Make sure to include your Student ID number in the email.
If awarded, your scholarship may be continued until you graduate providing you continue to meet the criteria.
Lock in your scholarship now for current and upcoming academic years.

Apply by July 15 for UNM - SFCC Healthcare Ambassadors Program
The UNM – SFCC HC Ambassadors Program is now taking applications from SFCC students who are interested in pursuing healthcare careers. This federally funded program provides opportunities for students from economically or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds to explore healthcare options while also offering tutoring support to be successful in college. The deadline for the application process is July 15, 2020.
For more information on eligibility and program benefits, see program information sheet.
For more information contact Briana Villegas at

Current Resources for Online Learning
Not sure where to get help in an online learning environment? While the SFCC college buildings are closed for the summer, please know that SFCC employees are working online to help you navigate through this challenging time. Are you unsure who to reach out to for registration, advising, payments, tutoring, financial aid, online placement tests, mental health counseling or other services? Check out

Bellevue offers online information sessions 10 a.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays
What’s next after you earn your associate degree from SFCC? We’re here to help, along with our partner Bellevue University. Mark Wood, a representative from Bellevue University will be online providing information on admissions, academic programs, scholarships, financial aid and more to prospective students.
Mark will be available through Zoom every Tuesday and Thursday, from 10 a.m. to noon. Follow the link below to chat.
For more information, please contact
Mark at or 505-474-5023
Studio G is here to help entrepreneurs
Want to become an entrepreneur? Studio G is here to help students and alumni (graduates from the past five years). Visit Studio G at SFCC. On that page, click the Apply Now to get involved.
If you’re interested in starting or growing a business, click here to learn about Studio G’s statewide network based at NMSU.

Apply now for new Massage Therapy certificate program
SFCC is now accepting and reviewing applications to enter the Certificate of Massage Therapy program. SFCC is launching that program with online only classes in the fall semester for those accepted into the program. For information on admission to the program visit SFCC Massage Therapy program.
Ute Jannsen-Kerr, who is directing the certificate program said, “The college is excited to offer this new program. Massage therapy contributes to the health and well-being of those seeking stress relief, as well as relief from aches and pains. People must apply this summer to be reviewed for access to beginning online classes this fall.” Graduates of the program will be eligible to take the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEX) in order to qualify for NM State licensure.
Note: All fall classes for this program will be online. Please apply now to secure a spot in the program. For more information contact Ute Jannsen Kerr at
or call 505-428-1420.

Career Services Virtual Drop-In Clinic Tuesdays and Thursday
SFCC Career Services Virtual Drop-In Clinic
Sessions Available Tuesdays and Thursdays
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Resumes
- Application Letters
- Job Searches
- Career Coaching

Student featured in story about seeking medical help for daughter
SFCC student Tintawi Kaigziabiher was featured along with her family in the May 23 Santa Fe New Mexican story, “Santa Fe girl could overcome sickle cell anemia, thanks to brother.” The family is now in Colorado for her daughter’s bone marrow transplant.
Tintawi Kaigziabiher participated in this year’s Katie Besser Student Awards. She was last year’s recipient of the Richard Bradford Creative Writing Memorial Scholarship.
A Go Fund Me Page has been set up to help the family. Also, follow progress on that page.
Photo: Tintawi Kaigziabiher. Photo taken in 2019.

How to retrieve belongings from lockers or cubicles
Students who require access to retrieve belongings from lockers or cubicles can contact the point person listed below for the area that needs to be accessed:
William C. Witter Fitness Center | Lynda Trujillo; 428-1651 |
SHEM/Woodworking | Tami Crespin 428-1323 |
Arts Design and Media Arts | Julie-ann Burgett 428-1731 |
The Masters Program | Tami Crespin 428-1323 |
Other areas | SFCC Safety and Security 428-1224 |
Students who have made appointments will be required to come on campus at their appointment time wearing a mask. No one will be permitted access if they have COVID symptoms (dry cough, history of recent fever of 100.4 or higher, fatigue); or recent out of state travel in the past 2 weeks; or confirmed exposure to a positive COVID case; or presents with a temperature of 100.4 or higher.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation during these events.
Employee Announcements

President's Campus update to employees
President Becky Rowley, Ph.D., shared a campus update with employees on July 1 stating that the majority of class offerings will be online in the fall. She explained that the bona fide financial emergency remains in effect as a result of budgetary concerns.
The president reminded employees that anyone with approval to be on campus is required to wear a mask. As a reminder, please review the SFCC employee on campus COVID- 19 protocals.
Employees, if you missed the update please read it here.

Want to help with making PPE?
You can be part of the SFCC teams making PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
To get involved contact Meghan McGarrity or call 505-428-1604.
Photo shared by Meghan McGarrity from SFCC In This Together Facebook page.

Your rights: Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
Human resources provided guidance on employee rights under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, including what leave entitlements are covered and who is eligible.
For a quick overview, see this helpful Quick Benefits Tips poster from the Department of Labor.

Let Campus Weekly share your news
Let us know about your accomplishments and other news that you’d like to share. Please remember that the deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday to get an item in the next week’s issue. Submit here.
Continuing Education offers wide selection of summer courses

Continuing Education has moved online this summer. There is a robust selection of classes, such as Kids Stuff, language classes, professional development and personal enrichment classes. So whether you’d like to learn about plant-based cooking or upgrade your technology skills there are classes to fit your needs. There are still openings in great classes.
Registration is online and easy to access. Consider using your EEB benefits.
Students can register for noncredit classes anywhere, anytime. Employees: To use your EEBs for Continuing Education classes, complete the EEB form before you register, then contact Continuing Education at or 505-428-1676. Their team will help you and your dependents complete registration.
To browse classes and register go to:
You can also browse through the summer schedule.