Campus Weekly
Early Voting for SFCC's Bond Election ends this week

Early voting ends this Saturday, Feb. 3 for SFCC’s Feb. 6 Bond Election. Please be sure to vote on the bond. There will NOT be an on-campus voting location on Election Day, Feb. 6. For more information, visit
News and Announcements

Tax Aide Santa Fe begins today
SFCC is again offering tax help in partnership with AARP Foundation. Please note that the hours of service have been reduced. Services will be provided Mondays and Tuesdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. See all of the details on the press release.

Chaîne des Rôtisseurs
For the first time ever, the oldest and largest food and wine society in the world, Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, will hold the Far West Regional Young Chefs Competition in Santa Fe. Culinary Arts Lead Instructors and Chefs Pat Mares and Jerry Dakan will be on KSFR 101.1 FM this Fri., Feb. 2 at 4 p.m. to talk about it on Cline’s Corner with host Lynn Cline.
The interview will highlight the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Guest Chefs Culinary Arts Scholarship Dinner, which is Thurs., March 1 at 5:30 p.m. and the Far West Regional Young Chefs Competition, Simulcast, Chaîne Culinary Arts Kitchen Ribbon Cutting and Young Chefs Awards Ceremony – all on Sat., March 3 beginning at noon. All events are in the Jemez Rooms. Tickets to the dinner are $100 (a portion of which is tax deductible).
You can purchase tickets online or through the SFCC Foundation at 505-428-1855 or via email to Linda Cassel. Proceeds support the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Endowed Scholarship for SFCC’s Culinary Arts Students. More details on the guest chefs and their enticing menu and the competition are available online.

Governing Board Approves Policies 4-15, 4-16, 4-54
The policies listed below were recently established or revised and were approved by the SFCC Governing Board. Please click on the links below to learn about each of these:
4-15 Family Medical Leave Act Policy
4-16 Employee Accessibility Policy
4-54 Volunteer Policy
In addition, the SFCC Governing Board approved the retirement of Policy 3-2 Directed Studies because it has been included in 3-6 Faculty Workload.
All approved policies can be found online at SFCC/policies. If you have questions or would like to learn more about college policies or the Shared Governance Policy Review Process, contact Laura Mulry, ext. 1776.

SFCC Best for Vets 2018
SFCC has been named a best career and technical college for Vets for 2018 by Military Times. Congratulations to our VRC and all of our student support staff!

City of Santa Fe: Midtown Campus Project
From the City of Santa Fe: As the Santa Fe University of Art & Design moves closer to a 2018 closing date, the City of Santa Fe has been preparing for a once-in-a-generation opportunity to repurpose a true gem, located in the geographic center of our community. Together, we can positively impact education, housing, economy, health care, entertainment, social equity, government services and the overall quality of life for our community while catalyzing the re-development of the St. Michael’s Midtown LINC corridor.
We are now reaching out to you, our incredible community, once more to help guide our efforts in creating a strategic vision for the future of this important property and our City. We call this public process the Midtown Campus Project.
In the first phase of the Midtown Campus Project, we want to hear your ideas and priorities for the property. To do this, we will use online collaboration activities, and reach out through traditional surveys available online and in-person.
We encourage everyone to get involved!

SFCC Bond Information
If you missed the SFCC Bond Information Sessions last week, you can view the morning session on YouTube. If you have questions about the bond or would like information brochures to distribute to your various groups, contact Marketing and Public Relations, ext. 1667. Also the votesfcc website has a lot of great information.
SFCC received endorsements for the bond from both the Santa Fe New Mexican and the Albuquerque Journal, you can read both here.

Call for Volunteers
The School of Fitness Education will hold its second annual Gerald Clay Memorial 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament Friday and Saturday, April 6 and 7.
One hundred volunteers are needed. Shifts are 3 to 4 hours each and jobs include score keeping, time keeping, concessions, ticket sales, player registration, greeting attendees, runners in gym and tabulators – you will receive a t-shirt and food and you’ll get to watch some fun basketball. To sign up to volunteer please go to the volunteer site.
Gerald Clay, the first basketball coach at SFCC, worked for over 20 years as full-time faculty for the School of Fitness Education. He passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in August of 2016. Proceeds from the event support an exercise science scholarship in Gerald’s name.
Interested in playing? Register your team here.

Fitness Education Center Dress Code
Please be aware of the dress code for working out in the FEC. For more information, contact Ute Jannsen-Kerr, ext. 1651.
Student Spotlight
Helpful Information and Deadlines for Students
If you missed the email sent to all students by director of advising Heidi Weingart, check out this useful information about services available on campus to support students along with a reminder from registrar Kathleen Sena of the Academic Calendar deadlines.

Sports Week, get $1 off
Students! Wear your favorite sports jersey or sports cap today through Friday, Feb. 2 and receive a $1 off a featured entree at the SFCC cafeteria. The first 125 people wearing a sports jersey or cap between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. will receive at $1 ticket to submit at the cafeteria cashier.
Monday – Hamburger/cheeseburger
Tuesday – Frito Pie
Wednesday – Nachos w/jalapenos
Thursday – Hot dog/chili dog
Friday – French fries/chili fries
For more information, contact the Office of Student Development – Student Activities, ext. 1686.

SFCC Dean's List for fall 2017
Congratulations to these students on the Dean’s List who maintained a grade point average of 3.5 or higher during the fall 2017 semester. See the full list of names.

Meal Cards
Financial aid funds can be used to purchase meal cards that are accepted at the SFCC cafeteria and the Campus Center Cafe in Campus Center. To use financial funds, please make arrangements with the Cashiers Office.
Meal cards are refillable and can be prepaid with financial aid, a credit card, cash or check. To learn more contact Behzad Dayeny, ext. 1363.

Reminder: Deadline to file Petition to Graduate
A reminder to students that the deadline to submit your petition to graduate Spring 2018 is Friday, Feb. 9.
For more information, visit the Registrar’s Office in the Welcome and Advising Center or call ext 1385.
Employee Announcements

Century Bank services for SFCC employees
Representatives of Century Bank will be on campus from 2 to 4 p.m., Friday, Feb. 2 and Monday, Feb. 5 in Room 217 for SFCC employees to learn about and sign up for Century Platinum Checking accounts.
For more information, contact Amy Pell, ext. 1502.

Celebrate Valentine's Day with CE
Treat your Valentine to a special class through Continuing Education. Two classes to enjoy: Valentine’s Matches Made in Heaven: Dessert Wines and Desserts with Chef Maria Bustamante Bernal and Wine Instructor Howard Spiegelman on Feb. 10 or learn the art of tinwork with Tin Valentine by Spanish Market Artist Richard Gabriel on Feb. 14. Use your EEBs! Call 428-1676 to register.

Nayyar receives PCOMS recognition
Dr. Aamna Nayyar, director of SFCC’s Dental Program received a recognition plaque for her presentation at the 10th Annual Conference of Pakistan Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons (PCOMS 2017) in December. The conference was held at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan in Karachi, Pakistan. Her research topic was Antibacterial Efficacy of Fennel on Oral Bacteria, and the Salivary pH.

Awesome Foundation accepting grant applications
The Santa Fe chapter of the Awesome Foundation is accepting applications for a $1,000 micro-grant that will be awarded to invest in a local project that aims to make Santa Fe a better place to live, work, and play. Applications are due by February 2, 2018, with the grant to be awarded in March.
For more information, email or visit the chapter’s Facebook page.
¡Palabra!: Unconscious Bias

Unconscious Bias refers to a bias that we are unaware of, and which happens outside of our control. It is a bias that happens automatically and is triggered by our brain making quick judgments and assessments of people and situations, influenced by our background, cultural environment and personal experiences. View definition in Spanish.
Brought to you by the Center for Diversity and Integrated Learning.