Campus Weekly
SFCC Governing Board announces finalists for President

Santa Fe Community College announces five public candidate forums for the position of president. The SFCC Governing Board voted in support of the finalists recommended by the SFCC Presidential Search Advisory Committee. Here are the candidates and the times that they will participate in forums at the college:
Raúl Rodríguez, Ph.D., 2 p.m. on Friday, March 1 in the Jemez Rooms
Kim E. Armstrong, Ph.D., 2 p.m. on Monday, March 4 in the Jemez Rooms
Kimberlee S. Messina, Ph.D., 2 p.m. on Thursday, March 7 in the Board Room
Rebecca K. (Becky) Rowley, Ph.D., 2 p.m. on Monday, March 11 in the Jemez Rooms
Rey Rivera, Ph.D., 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12 in the Jemez Rooms
Read about each of the candidates and see the latest here. Also see the coverage from today’s Santa Fe New Mexican.
News and Announcements

SOS Presentation: Global Warming has become Global Weirding, Wednesday
Dr. Edwin Barker, retired NASA scientist and Chair of the SOS Advisory Committee, and Rev. Dr. Dave Wasserman, retired from the Presbyterian Church and author of Riding the Blue Marble (2018) will be presenting. The presentation will review the basic concepts of weather, climate, earth’s natural balancing systems, the impact of CO2’s heat-trapping blanket and how to look for the silver buckshot of hope.
Wednesday, Feb. 27 at 4 p.m. and also 5 p.m. in Room 803, Science on a Sphere (SOS). For more information, contact Ed Barker,, or Dave Wasserman,

SFCC Celebrates Black History Month
SFCC’s celebration of Black History Month (“Shades of Color”) wraps up this Thursday, Feb. 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Campus Center with music and poetry by Cathryn McGill, Toni Morgan and Raysean Marchi. Free refreshments and appetizers.
Sponsored by SFCC’s President’s Diversity Advisory Committee. For more information contact SFCC’s Office of Student Development, 505-428-1686.

SFCC Design Exhibit at SF Home Show (March 9 and 10):
Students and faculty from SFCC’s Fine Woodworking and Sculpture programs will participate in a design exhibition at the Santa Fe Home Show Saturday (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and Sunday (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.), March 9 and 10 in the lobby of the Santa Fe Convention Center, 201 W. Marcy Ave. Tickets are $5. For more information, please call 505-982-1774.
Photo: Rocking Chair by Larry Buechley.

Special Exhibit for Black History Month
Be sure to visit the main hall installation in honor of Black History Month of work by Nikesha Breeze on exhibit through Feb. 28.
…“My work seeks to engage the viewer in a relationship of the soul. A personal act of witnessing and being witnessed. As a form of active resistance, I speak directly to the heart of issues such as race, sex, power, gender and human suffering at the same time as evoking a sense of the sacred and irrepressible urgency of the human spirit.”… Breeze
Read more about 108 Death Masks: A Communal Prayer for Peace and Justice and Two African American boys, full-length portrait facing front.
Photo: 108 Death Mask – 16, Nikesha Breeze

Update from the Film Program
Milton Riess, department head of the SFCC Film Program, commends his students on their spring capstone project efforts:
“The past two weekends have been GREAT for our Film Department. We are in production of our Spring Capstone film project. You should all be proud of the accomplishments SFCC’s students are doing. I have been in the film industry going on 35 years, and this weekend was the smoothest film production I have EVER been on. SFCC is truly training the next generation of film crew and filmmakers.”
For more information about the program, contact Milton Riess, 505-428-1421.

NOMINATE: Santa Fe Reporter's Best of Santa Fe 2019
Please take a moment and nominate our new and improved SFCC Fitness Education Center to be included in the Santa Fe Reporter’s Best of Santa Fe 2019. Nominations are open until March 17 and voting starts May 1.
Nomination categories:
Best Fitness Class
Weight lifting
Boutique Fitness
Yoga studio

Get your team ready!
Registration for the Third Annual Gerald Clay Memorial Basketball Tournament (April 6 and 7, 2019) is open now at New Mexico Sports Online.
For more information, contact Miquela Martinez, ext. 1656 or 1615.
If you don’t play basketball, but you want to join in the fun by volunteering to support the event, contact Sandra Brintnall, ext. 1508. You may also sign up online to volunteer.
Student Spotlight

Native American Club meets every other Tuesday
The SFCC Native American Club holds a meeting every other Tuesday from 11 a.m. to noon in the I-Room (room 204-I) in the Welcome and Advising Center. Join us for the next meeting, Tuesday, March 5.
For more information, contact Marvin Gabaldon, 505-428-1835.

SFCC College Transfer Day is coming, March 5
Are you looking to continue your studies toward a four-year degree? Do you know what the requirements are for entrance into New Mexico’s colleges and universities? Have you explored all the options? Santa Fe Community College’s advisors and Welcome and Advising Center can help you prepare for your next degree at the 2019 Spring College Transfer Day on Tuesday, March 5 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Main Hallway. It’s free.
For more information, contact Melba Ramos, Academic Advisor at 505-428-1880 or

Deadline to switch credit to audit, March 8
The deadline to switch a class from credit to audit is March 8. Check with Financial Aid before you make changes to see how it impacts your eligibility. Check with Financial Aid to learn more, 505-428-1268.

Internship Opportunity
The Historic Santa Fe Foundation is currently accepting applications for the 2019 Faith and John Gaw Meem Preservation Trades Internship. The 10-week program begins June 17, 2019 in Santa Fe. It permits a qualified student working in architecture, planning, design, or a similar field to gain hands-on experience in the theory and practice of preservation by working with foundation board members and staff.
For more information on the intern program, and to download an application form, visit
Complete and return the application by March 1, 2019 to Historic Santa Fe Foundation, 545 Canyon Road Suite 2, Santa Fe NM 87501 or email

Call for submissions: Katie Besser Writing Awards deadline March 12
Submissions for the Katie Besser Writing Awards are open now. Submit your works in the following categories: poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction/personal essay, academic essay and the new categories of text/image and instructor-nominated.
The deadline for submissions is noon, Tuesday, March 12, 2019.
Winners, runners-up and honorable mentions will be published in Accolades and will be invited to read at the celebration, to be held May 1.
For more information, see the flier, or email Emily Stern.

¡Viva! - Full-time students - you can still sign up!
¡Viva! Free Fitness for Full-time Students continues this spring. Students registered for 12 credit hours or more will be able to access the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center from 1 to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and all day (6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.) Friday.
To get started, students enrolled in 12 credits hours must sign a liability waiver, available now on MySFCC. Students can check their enrollment status and number of credit hours by checking their class schedule on MySFCC.
If you have questions or need some additional information about your enrollment status, you can call the Welcome and Advising Center at 505-428-1270.
Employee Announcements

Supervisors: JAT open now
The Supervisory Review period for the Job Assessment Tool (JAT) opened last Friday. Please complete your reviews as soon as possible.

Byrne Gonzales to represent NM
Amelia Byrne Gonzales, administrative coordinator at Kids Campus, has been selected to represent New Mexico in Washington D.C. to attend training to advocate for early childhood programs with Save the Children Action Network. Some of her training has happened here in the Roundhouse during the current legislative session. Amelia will be the only representative from New Mexico in Washington, D.C.
Great work, and best of luck, Amelia!

Maez featured on Opportunity Santa Fe Blog
Marcos Maez, director of recruitment and dual credit, was featured on the Opportunity Santa Fe Birth to Career blog with a piece titled How One Workshop Can Give High Schoolers a ‘Ticket to College’.
Photo: Capital High School student Nicole Guzman with Marcos Maez

"Dining with the Artist" with Marvin Gabaldon
Marvin Gabaldon, data technician, and artist (Ohkay Owingeh, Taos, Acoma) will be featured during Hotel Santa Fe’s Dining with the Artist beginning at 7 p.m., Wednesday, March 13. For $35 Prix Fixe, the menu includes Tortilla Soup or Greens Salad, Scottish Salmon or Chicken Breast and Creme Brulee or Pear Tart.
For reservations, call 505-955-7805 or email

Employee and Team Excellence Award Nominations
This is your chance to nominate your colleagues to be recognized for demonstrated excellence with one or more of SFCC’s values: Student Learning, Excellence, Value People, Social Responsibility or Integrity.
Nominations can be made in each category: Staff Full-Time, Staff Part-Time, Faculty Full-Time or Adjunct Faculty. The winners will be announced during the SFCC Annual Service Awards on April 26 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Staff and Faculty Nomination Form
Team Nomination Form
Nominations must be submitted to Human Resources by Monday, March 15.

Professional Development Day, March 8
Professional Development Day is coming, so mark your calendar for March 8. There will be a plenary session for faculty and staff in the morning and breakout sessions in the afternoon. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. The theme for this day is “Best practices for improving the student experience using tools and technology.”
More details will be forthcoming, please contact Cindy Trujillo in Human Resources, ext. 1465.

Wonderful Outstanding Worker (WOW) Award
Once a month a Wonderful Outstanding Worker (WOW) winner is selected from those nominated. Be part of recognizing your fellow employees for their outstanding service by nominating your colleagues. Download the form to make your nomination and submit it to Human Resources in room LL309.
The winner of the WOW Gram will receive a $25 Visa gift card, a WOW pin and an invitation to a Board meeting to be recognized by the SFCC Governing Board members and President. Winners will also be featured on the Intranet.
For more information, contact Alicia Huerta, ext. 1389.

Wellness at SFCC
Please consider joining your colleagues in the following activities:
• Mindful Meditation: The Planetarium will be open to students and SFCC employees from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. Please observe the following guidelines: no talking, eating, drinks or cell phones.
• Yoga sessions led by Andrew Kerr from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Board Room CANCELLED MARCH 6 due to Labor Management Relations Board Meeting. If you have yoga mats, please bring them but they’re not necessary. Some will be provided.
• Walking group walks the trails from noon to 1 p.m. Fridays. Meet in front of the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center. Group walks rain or shine.
Drop-ins welcome.
SFCC Economic Impact Study

Early in 2018, SFCC, in conjunction with the NMICC, worked with Emsi, a labor market analytics firm, on an economic impact study. The study shows that SFCC creates a significant positive impact on the business community and generates a return on investment to students, taxpayers and society. Read more about the report here. See the infographic here.
-SFCC generates more tax dollars than it receives
-SFCC retains and creates wealth
-SFCC performs better than the stock market