Campus Weekly
Campus Cupboard food distribution Thursday afternoons

Ed Worden of SFCC’s Campus Cupboard will be packing bags of food items for students. There will be pantry staples, snacks and canned goods. SFCC Students experiencing food insecurity are encouraged to take advantage of this new service.
Students should call 428-1775 on Thursday afternoons (noon to 4 p.m.) and drive up to the West Wing entrance. Groceries will be delivered into their trunk or left outside for pickup.
Campus Cupboard is distributing in collaboration with the Food Depot, and no one will be turned away.
For more information, call Ed Worden at 428-1775.
News and Announcements
Another campuswide electrical shutdown 4 p.m. August 6
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the 7/29/2020 campuswide electrical shutdown was aborted early. As a result, another, slightly shorter campuswide shutdown is planned for 4 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, August 6.
Remote technology services will remain available during the shutdown. WiFi & network connectivity in offices & classrooms will be down from 4 p.m. until approximately 7:30 p.m. T
he HEC will not be affected.

Testing Center to provide Hi Set testing in August
The Testing Center will provide official HiSet testing services in August.
The Testing Center will be offering the exams from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but you must register in advance.
Register for for the HiSet at:
Please note: Due to Covid 19, students have not had access to the GED and Hi Set tests. It is important that students take advantage of this opportunity to complete their High School Equivalency as it might not be available again during the fall semester.

Santa Fe LITERARY REVIEW available for pick up
Complimentary copies of the 2020 SANTA FE LITERARY REVIEW are available for safe curbside pickup at the Santa Fe Public Library branches, at the SFCC Library and the Santa Fe Higher Education Center. See the details regarding times and locations in this press release.
The SANTA FE LITERARY REVIEW is produced annually by SFCC students, faculty and alumnae. This keepsake publication features work by regional writers and artists, as well as contributors from around the world. To learn more, visit Santa Fe Literary Review. Also, preview the magazine here.
Mark your calendars and reserve a spot at the online reception on October 22. Register here.

Be Counted: Help your community for the next 10 years
Why is the census important? If New Mexico undercounts residents by only 1%, we would lose $780 Million Dollars. (
Be counted! If you have received an invitation, respond using your Census ID.
If you haven’t received a census letter or paper questionnaire with your Census ID, wait to respond. Census workers will drop off paper questionnaires at your front door.
When people respond online or over the phone using their Census ID or mail back their completed paper questionnaire, we can get the best count of the community.

Library Curbside Pickup now available
SFCC Library is now offering curbside pickup of books, DVDs, CDs, and audiobooks. Pickup is currently available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. and Wednesdays 3 – 5 p.m.. For more information, instructions, and procedures, visit

Laptop Discounts for Staff, Faculty and Students
The Office of Information Technology is excited to announce a partnership with Dell. Students, Staff and Faculty may purchase laptops, monitors and computer accessories with the SFCC educational discount.
To get started log into and click on the SFCC Dell Campus Announcement to access the selected discounted equipment.

Capital Improvement Projects scheduled for July and August
We are excited to announce several upcoming Capital Improvement Projects scheduled to begin in July and August as follows:
August 3 to end of October (3 months)– Phase I Parking Lot Improvements to repave SFCC’s Main Lot, crack seal, fog and stripe Accessible Lot, Carpool Lot and TATC West Lot.
July 20 to November 20 (120 Days) – Roofing Upgrades for Main Campus
August 3 to November 3 (3 months) – Waste Water Treatment Plant Gravity Sewer line transfer to Ranchlands Utility & Irrigation Upgrades
The Main Lot will be closed starting in August and all other lots are available for parking during construction. While we apologize for any inconvenience, we appreciate your patience. For questions, please contact F & O (Facilities and Operations) Project Manager (formerly POM), Andrea Mueller at 505-930-9781.

Welcome Dean James Wysong, Ed.D.
SFCC welcomes James Wysong, Ed.D., Dean of Arts, Design, and Media Arts and of Liberal Arts.
Dr. Wysong is a community college graduate and has a strong background in community college education, both as a faculty member and an administrator. Previously, he was Dean of Associate of Arts for the Dale Mabry Campus of Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, Florida.
As a dean, Dr. Wysong was successful in developing and managing numerous grants and initiatives focused on increasing the number of women and minorities in STEM, and in improving the retention, success, and completion of Hispanic students in college transfer programs.
For more information please read this press release.

Register now for grantsmanship course
SFCC’s Continuing Education Department is partnering with The Grantsmanship Center to present the Grantsmanship Training Program Online August 10-14. Since most nonprofit organizations are working remotely and need more funding than ever, this online course addresses an urgent need.
The intensive, five-day workshop for nonprofit and government grant seekers will guide participants step- by-step through all stages of planning programs, researching funding sources and writing proposals.
Class size is limited to 24 participants. Tuition is $1,095. Half-scholarships are available for a limited number of qualified organizations. Register, get more information, or apply for a partial scholarship by contacting The Grantsmanship Center at or

Operation Bandana still needs help with mask making, phone calls, deliveries and more!
We recently spoke with the Nursing student duo Robin Carillo Ortiz and Erin Price of Operation Bandana NM and their main request was: We Need More Help With All Tasks.
To find out more about their needs for mask making, help with deliveries, supply donations for The Navajo Nation and assistance with phone calls read this recent update from Inside SFCC, “Nursing students lead Operation Bandana.”

Automotive Technologies Center progress
Construction is progressing rapidly on the Automotive Technologies Center. All steel has been erected and the building will soon be fully enclosed. Though the project may experience some delays due to covid-19, it remains well within budget and on track to receive a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification.
See the latest images on Facebook SFCC in this Together.
View larger photo here.

Fall registration continues! Consider taking a class
SFCC’s fall semester registration continues.
You need to use the Look for Classes in the drop down menu.
Employees: Please consider using your EEB benefit to take classes.
Perhaps, you have a family member graduating from high school. Help them get a jump start on college by enrolling now. Have them reach out to the Welcome and Advising Center at or call 505-428-1270 to get started.

SFCC in the news
The following stories either featured or mentioned SFCC or one of its employees.
07/22/2020, Higher Ed Looking Ahead
7/12/20, “Santa Fe Community College braces for 25% enrollment drop,” focused on enrollment and SFCC Foundation Student Emergency Assistance Fund.
Student Spotlight

Contract for a Better Tomorrow scholarship application open
The 2020-2021 application for the Domanica Foundation Contract for a Better Tomorrow (CBT) Scholarship Program is open!
CBT is a performance-based scholarship, which helps students complete and graduate from one of SFCC’s certificate or associate degree programs. CBT is for first-generation college students and is open to US Citizens, Permanent Residents, International and non-US students.
Please visit our website for eligibility requirements.

SFCC students awarded LANL Foundation Career Pathways Scholarships
Last week, the LANL Foundation announced the July 2020 recipients of its Career Pathways Scholarship. Career Pathways Scholarships are up to $1,500 awards per academic year for students pursuing 2-year degrees, certificates, and trades. SFCC students received 9 of the 19 scholarships awarded. SFCC Student Sasha Garcia was featured in this Los Alamos Daily Post article about the scholarships.
- Ilsy Perez-Sican of Santa Fe, studying respiratory care at Santa Fe Community College
- German Bejarano Cardenas of Santa Fe, studying general engineering and engineering technology at Santa Fe Community College
- Alexandra Iboa of Pecos, studying nursing at Santa Fe Community College
- Joshua Macias of Santa Fe, studying general engineering at Santa Fe Community College
- Amy Norris of Santa Fe, studying human services at Santa Fe Community College
- Kieran Sequoia of Santa Fe, studying respiratory care at Santa Fe Community College
- Zachary DeLay of Española, studying sustainable technologies: biofuels at Santa Fe Community College
- Sasha Garcia of Velarde, studying early childhood education at Santa Fe Community College
- Rosa Rangel of Santa Fe, studying dental health at Santa Fe Community College

SGA seeks new officers, senators
Student Government Association president Ian Widrick Martinez invites all students to consider becoming an SGA leader.
Student Government Association has two open Executive Officer Positions and seven open Senator Positions.
Executive Officer Positions:
• Vice-President
• Secretary
Senator Positions:
• Liberal Arts, Arts, Design and Media Arts
• Trades, Advanced Technology & Sustainability, Business and Education
• Health, Math and Science, Fitness Center
• Communication & Public Relations
• 2 SGA Appointed Senator Positions
Requirements to run for office:
WEDNESDAY meetings/trainings 11:30-1:30 p.m.
A minimum of 14-24 office hours per month depending on position.
Maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Have a declared major and enrolled in a minimum of six (6) credit hour classes in the current semester.
Click here to get more information and an application packet!
Application packets must be submitted by 5 p.m. August 20 to
Ian Widrick Martinez adds, “Together, the student voice has never been stronger.”

Online Student Orientation is available now!
The SFCC Online Student Orientation is available now! This is a Free Canvas course that is a ‘self-enroll’ course.
Please enroll online at:

Verizon and T-Mobile hotspots for checkout at Library
The Office of Information Technology and the Library are pleased to announce a limited number of Verizon and T-Mobile hotspots for checkout. We also still have some laptops available.
Use the link below to request an appropriate appointment, be sure to select the right technology:
Technology Services Appointment
Campus remains closed, and you will only be allowed to come on campus with a scheduled appointment. See the link below for current SFCC protocols:
Return all checkout equipment no later than August 14th to avoid late fees. Use the same link to book a return appointment.

SFCC alumnus' work featured in Santa Fe Reporter
Drawing and painting faculty member Laura Rosenfeld shared that the July 7 cover of the Santa Fe Reporter features artwork by Josh Anderson, who was a Fine Arts Student at SFCC. (Associate of Arts: Fine Arts 2015).
Josh Anderson received first prize in the Santa Fe Reporter’s “Illustrator’s Cup,” a yearly competition. He was a featured student artist at the Red Dot Gallery, which was an SFCC commercial gallery on Canyon Road for several years. From there he was accepted into a local professional gallery.

Apply for 2020-2021 SFCC and Foundation Scholarships
SFCC has state institutional and Foundation private scholarships available for new and returning students to help pay for college for the upcoming academic year.
Scholarships are available for full and part-time students in all qualified areas of study including but not limited to: Business, Early Childhood, Engineering, Nursing, Computer Studies, Culinary and more.
There are scholarships for Native American students, Hispanic students and students with disabilities (must be registered with the SAS department), international and non-U.S. citizens.
Financial need, a minimum cumulative and term GPA of 2.50 and enrollment in at least 6 credit hours in a degree plan are required for most scholarships.
You may apply for an SFCC scholarship now at:
A Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a Dreamer’s Financial Aid Application (non-US Citizens only) will be required to determine need. The Dreamers Financial Aid Application can be found at: under “FORMS”.
If you have questions please email the Financial Aid Office at from your SFCC student email account. Make sure to include your Student ID number in the email.
If awarded, your scholarship may be continued until you graduate providing you continue to meet the criteria.
Lock in your scholarship now for current and upcoming academic years.

Apply now for new Massage Therapy certificate program
SFCC is now accepting and reviewing applications to enter the Certificate of Massage Therapy program. SFCC is launching that program with online only classes in the fall semester for those accepted into the program. For information on admission to the program visit SFCC Massage Therapy program.
Ute Jannsen-Kerr, who is directing the certificate program said, “The college is excited to offer this new program. Massage therapy contributes to the health and well-being of those seeking stress relief, as well as relief from aches and pains. People must apply this summer to be reviewed for access to beginning online classes this fall.” Graduates of the program will be eligible to take the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEX) in order to qualify for NM State licensure.
Note: All fall classes for this program will be online. Please apply now to secure a spot in the program. For more information contact Ute Jannsen Kerr at
or call 505-428-1420.

SFCC graduate August Honnell thanked by governor
SFCC Spring 2015 commencement student speaker August Honnell was thanked last Thursday by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham at a press conference for supplying her and others in her administration with a special designed strap to attach to masks that eliminates the common pinching of the ears often felt with traditional mask straps. He currently works at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. She thanked him in this Facebook Live video at about the six minute mark and again near the end of her presentation.
August Honnell was a dual graduate of The Masters Program and SFCC in 2015. He was a standout in the college’s Biofuels program and was featured in a tour of SFCC by House Speaker Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Take time to check out his speech in this video about how many opportunities the college gave him to research and innovate. He first began taking courses at the college in the ninth grade. He was a first-generation college graduate in his family.
Photo: August Honnell at SFCC in 2015

Career Services Virtual Drop-In Clinic Tuesdays and Thursday
SFCC Career Services Virtual Drop-In Clinic
Sessions Available Tuesdays and Thursdays
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Resumes
- Application Letters
- Job Searches
- Career Coaching
Employee Announcements

Fall 2020 virtual convocation events are shaping up
- Campuswide convocation meeting for all staff and faculty at 8:30 a.m. August 13:
- Staff Senate meeting August 13 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Conversation with the president, 3:30 p.m. Monday, August 17.
We will keep you posted as the schedule is updated.

Emily Stern's My View from Santa Fe New Mexican
Faculty member Emily Stern had an opinion column, “My View: Getting on the side of justice,” published in the July 12 issue of the Santa Fe New Mexican.
The column begins:
“As part of my positive pandemic thinking, I would like to say in advance that I am grateful for and to each of Santa Fe’s leaders for both continuing to include community input and for leading us into and through this unprecedented opportunity toward truth and reconciliation by removing statues that uphold violence and hatred.
Maya Angelou has said, “Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future, and renders the present inaccessible.”
I’m fortunate to be a teacher in Santa Fe. As a professional, I feel a personal responsibility to participate in movements that support all students and young people, aka, the future. …”

Andrew Lovato's My View in Santa Fe New Mexican
Longtime faculty member Andrew Lovato, Ph.D., wrote an opinion column that was published in the July 19 issue of the Santa Fe New Mexican. His column, “My View: History is as Natural as Breathing.” The column begins, “It was Sept. 8, 2017, and the 325th annual Fiesta de Santa Fe was set to begin, but this Fiesta was destined to be unlike any other in its long history.
A crowd of more than 150 protesters held up signs and shouted, “Abolish the Entrada, Abolish the Entrada.”
The Entrada portrayed the peaceful reconquest of Santa Fe in 1692 by the Spanish following the Pueblo Indian revolt 12 years earlier. The protesters demanded that the truth be told. It was not a peaceful reconquest. It was a bloody battle that took place a year later in 1693, and 70 Indian fighters were executed.It was Sept. 8, 2017, and the 325th annual Fiesta de Santa Fe was set to begin, but this Fiesta was destined to be unlike any other in its long history.
A crowd of more than 150 protesters held up signs and shouted, “Abolish the Entrada, Abolish the Entrada.”
The Entrada portrayed the peaceful reconquest of Santa Fe in 1692 by the Spanish following the Pueblo Indian revolt 12 years earlier. The protesters demanded that the truth be told. It was not a peaceful reconquest. It was a bloody battle that took place a year later in 1693, and 70 Indian fighters were executed. …”

sj Miller, Ph.D., gives input to Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force
sj Miller, Ph.D., associate professor of Teacher Education, was asked for input on the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force platform regarding education. Miller reports that some of the language and suggestions were incorporated into the document. We are grateful for sj’s contributions to this important national conversation.

Still openings in CE classes
Continuing Education has moved online this summer. There is a robust selection of classes, such as Kids Stuff, language classes, professional development and personal enrichment classes. So whether you’d like to learn about plant-based cooking or upgrade your technology skills there are classes to fit your needs. There are still openings in great classes.
Registration is online and easy to access. Consider using your EEB benefits.
Students can register for noncredit classes anywhere, anytime. Employees: To use your EEBs for Continuing Education classes, complete the EEB form before you register, then contact Continuing Education at or 505-428-1676. Their team will help you and your dependents complete registration.
To browse classes and register go to:
You can also browse through the summer schedule.

Let Campus Weekly share your news
Let us know about your accomplishments and other news that you’d like to share. Please remember that the deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday to get an item in the next week’s issue. Submit here.
SFCC's phased Reopening Plan

It is the ongoing priority of Santa Fe Community College to safely, compassionately, creatively, and effectively respond to the COVID-19 crisis while ensuring the delivery of high-quality education and exceptional student support services.
In alignment with SFCC’s 2020 COVID-19 Strategic Plan, the “SFCC CARES: COVID-19 Readiness Plan” for fall semester 2020 emphasizes a smart and compassionate return to campus. The carefully measured approach will continue to balance the educational and health needs of our campus.
Many in our community had hoped to return to campus by this fall. As most experts believe there will be a second wave of COVID-19 cases (or that we have not even exited the first wave), we have had to adjust to the pandemic to maximize the safety of our students, employees, and community members.
As circumstances stand today, our fall semester may not feel significantly different than our summer. The best way to ensure the safety of our community is to minimize our person-to-person contact.
The above statements are from the comprehensive SFCC: Cares Covid-19 Readiness Plan. The plan is a 58-page document.
The college is currently in Phase 0 and will move into Phase 1 at the beginning of the fall semester.
For a concise, illustrated guide to the college’s phased reopening plan please visit