Campus Weekly
Welcome back for the fall semester

We welcome our students, faculty and staff back for the Fall Semester 2021. We are glad you are part of the SFCC Community. We are here for you and care about your success, as well as your health and safety.
SFCC invites everyone to join SFCC’s – In This Together Facebook page.
For the safety of all, please continue to wear a mask and recognize the importance of vaccinations. SFCC will have a vaccine clinic on September 1 that’s open to all.
Please read the president’s recent welcome and COVID protocol and update for more details.
Let’s all work to make this a great fall semester!
News and Announcements

EMRD announces SFCC will receive grant from DOE
The New Mexico Energy and Minerals and Resources Department issued a press release on August 19, “EMNRD and four higher education institutions awarded $750,000 to expand energy conservation code training and education: Project will train New Mexicans on energy efficient buildings”
The release states, “The Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department’s (EMNRD) Energy Conservation and Management Division (ECMD), was awarded $750,000 from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for an exciting new opportunity to train New Mexicans on energy efficiency and energy management. In cooperation with four higher education institutions, Doña Ana Community College, Northern New Mexico College, San Juan College, and Santa Fe Community College, ECMD will facilitate continuing education, training, and technical assistance to support industry professionals as they adapt to advanced energy technologies. The Sustainable Education for Advanced Buildings (SEAB) project aims to improve and expand education on energy efficiency codes, practices, and products to better inform current industry professionals and prepare new workers for the construction trades field.”
This is exciting news for SFCC. Congratulations to Amanda Hatherly, Director, EnergySmart Academy Santa Fe Community College, for her ongoing work in this area.
The EnergySmart Academy will be developing short workshops and online classes for builders, architects, code officials and others related to advanced technologies such as Heat Pump Water Heaters, Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pumps, Microgrids and commercial and residential green building codes.
Please see of all our current online energy and water conservation classes here:
Photo: Amanda Hatherly

Apply for the VAX PASS
Fully-vaccinated individuals are encouraged to apply for the SFCC VAX PASS (formerly called FAST PASS).
If you have already signed up for a FAST PASS that is sufficient. You do not need a VAX PASS.
Here’s how to apply for your card:
- Scan or take a photo of your completed CDC COVID -19 Vaccination card.
- Send the scanned copy or photo to Lucia Lucero at
- Lucia will issue the card on the date you are considered Fully Vaccinated (14 days after your last vaccination).

Get into the new energy revolution, register for a Distributed Energy class now
Be part of the new energy revolution! Get the education and experience you need to enter the field of smart grids and distributed energy technology with a certificate in Distributed Energy Technologies and Systems at SFCC.
DESG 1110, Intro to Smart Grids (CRN 20764) is a 14-week class that starts September 6 and provides an overview of technologies and design strategies associated with the Smart Grid. Students gain experience with Smart Grid monitoring and control technologies and participate in the analysis and planning of sustainable electrical systems using industry-standard software modeling tools.
Want to learn more?
Contact Frank Currie via email at or call 505-428-1916.

Vaccine Clinics on Sept. 1 and Sept. 22 on campus
Director of Human Resources Luis Olivas has announced these upcoming COVID Vaccine clinics:
- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 1.
- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 22.
These will be drive-through events, similar to the one SFCC had in June. The Pfizer vaccine will be available. Watch your sfcc email for more information.

Watch Convocation video for important messaging
Did you miss President Rowley’s welcome at Convocation?
President Rowley spoke to the importance of continued masking and discussed a potential vaccine mandate at SFCC.
Watch the video.

Massage Therapy appointments available now
The Massage Therapy Program cohort will offer $25 massages Mondays and Thursdays from August 23 through October 16. Ninety-minute appointments (including intake, 60-minute massage and post-massage survey) can be made at Patrons must provide proof of COVID vaccination and are limited to one massage appointment per week. The $25 fee will be applied toward the students’ credentialing examinations. If you need assistance with timetap, email If you have questions about the massage appointments or the program, email

Barnes & Noble Online Bookstore Update
On August 11, Nick Telles sent an update about the new Barnes & Noble online bookstore. The bookstore went live on August 16.
Read the full update here.
The following message went out to students August 16:

CHESS ERP vendor selected
In an email to employees on August 13, President Becky Rowley announced the selection of Workday as a partner and vendor for the CHESS Enterprise Resource Planning/Student Information System for SFCC and the other CHESS member colleges.
President Rowley wrote: Yesterday was an historic moment in New Mexico higher education. Thanks to the hours, months, and especially, the professional expertise that many of you have dedicated to the Enterprise Resource Planning/Student Information Systems project, I am pleased to announce that the CHESS Board of Directors, which I chair, the SFCC Governing Board, and the boards of our member colleges voted to partner with Workday to help bring our collective vision to life. We will announce the selection of Workday to local and national media soon, but I wanted to share the good news with you first.”

Exhibition of student work from New Mexico School for the Arts at SFCC August 18 through September 30
An exhibition of student work from the New Mexico School of Arts will be featured in SFCC’s Main entry lobby at the college starting August 18. Poetry and images were created in collaboration with the students and the Poet Laureate, Elizabeth Jacobson. Read more about the collaboration on the Axel Contemporary website: Everything Feels Recent When You’re Faraway. The exhibition will be up until the end of September.
Photo: Elizabeth Jacobson leads a summer workshop at Young Park. Courtesy of Axel Contemporary.

Register for fall Continuing Education classes now
The new continuing education catalog is now available online for viewing and download.
Browse the fun and interesting noncredit classes and then enroll online today.

SFCC to participate in NM Workforce Connection Career Fair
Do you know someone looking for a job?
SFCC representatives will participate with New Mexico Workforce Connection from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. August 27 and 28, for an exciting Career Fair at the Santa Fe Place Mall.
Employers from Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico will be on-site, offering great benefits and competitive pay.
For more information, please call 505-355-1758.
See this flyer for other information.
Santa Fe Literary Review now available at libraries
Complimentary copies of the SANTA FE LITERARY REVIEW are available at the Santa Fe Public Library branches, El Dorado library, the Santa Fe Higher Education Center, 1950 Siringo Road, and at the SFCC Library.
“This issue of the SFLR, themed ‘Tapestry: Diversity, Culture, and Common Ground,’ was a shot of hope for everyone who participated. …. – SFLR Editors
This year’s issue features work by contributors from SFCC, Santa Fe, and around the country. The magazine also includes an exclusive interview with award-winning writer Kirstin Valdez Quade, author of The Five Wounds, her debut novel about a New Mexican family’s extraordinary year of love and sacrifice.
This year’s issue is available for viewing or download at, and selected writings are available at
The SFCC Creative Writing Department, in tandem with the SFCC Library, will host a reading for contributors and the public at 5 p.m. October 21. Details of the event will be determined based on the current public health orders and with concern for the safety of participants. Whether it is on campus or online, the event is free for all.
For more information about the publication or the event, contact Kate McCahill, SFLR Faculty Advisor and Editor-in-Chief by email at, or call 505-428-1903.

Updated Procedures for Policy 2-25 & Policy 7-1
Please become familiar with the newly updated Procedures for Policy 7-1 Information Technology Resources, Usage and Security and for Policy 2-25 Mandatory Advising. Please review the Procedures in the links below and address any questions to the Policy Owner listed.
- Policy 2-25 Mandatory Advising Procedures, Associate Vice President Thomasinia Ortiz-Gallegos
- Policy 7-1 Information Technology Resources, Usage and Security Procedures, Chief Information Officer Cori Bergen
All of the college’s Policies and Procedures are posted at SFCC Policies. If you have questions or would like to learn more about college policies, please contact Laura Mulry, ext. 1776.

Must read! Inside SFCC 2021, Vol. 1
The recent Inside SFCC was released last month and features great stories on:
- New Auto Technologies Center
- Celebrating grads
- Chef Educator of the Year Jerry Dakan
- CHESS: Colleges Unite for student success
- Revitalized Culinary Arts Garden
- Award-winning student work in ‘Accolades’
- Remembering Kyle Pacheco
For the protection of our community...
When coming on campus:
- Masks are required.
- Practice social distancing
- Avoid congregating in groups.
- Avoid staying in public, indoor spaces for extended time periods.
- Children are allowed on campus. Masks required.
- Fully vaccinated? Please apply for the VAX PASS.
- Departments, programs, and unique spaces may require special protocols or safety requirements.
- Appointments are highly encouraged.

Governing Board Approves Policies
At its June meeting, the SFCC Governing Board approved updates to SFCC Policy 6-12 Surveillance Cameras. Please review the policy in the link below and address any questions to the Policy Owner/Author listed.
• Policy 6-12 Surveillance Cameras
Nick Telles, Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer, ext. 1161
College Policies and Procedures are posted at SFCC Policies. If you have questions or would like to learn more about policies, please contact Laura Mulry, ext. 1776.

eTranscripts via Parchment now available!!
SFCC’s transcript request process is now entirely online – no more submitting paper or PDF forms! Current and former students can visit to be guided through the process.
There is a $5 charge for electronic transcripts, and requests will be processed quickly.
SFCC's Equity Statement
President Rowley’s shared SFCC’s Equity Statement with all in a June 12 email.

SFCC in the news
The following stories or radio shows either featured or mentioned SFCC or one of its employees.
8/10/2021, Santa Fe Reporter, “Higher Numbers: After historic dip, enrollment at colleges and universities in Santa Fe and around New Mexico appears to be rebounding”
8/9/2021, Santa Fe New Mexican, “New Collar Innovation Center offers training for digital jobs at Santa Fe Higher Education Center”
8/9/2021, Albuquerque Journal, “NM considering statewide guaranteed basic income program”
8/8/2021, Santa Fe New Mexican, “Santa Fe’s Early College Opportunities High School at capacity”
7/28/2021, Albuquerque Business First, 2021 Women of Influence: For Danika Padilla of Meow Wolf, community outreach is in her DNA Danika Padilla is a member of SFCC Foundation.
7/9/2021Albuquerque Business First, published the story, “Sarah Boisvert attempts to build a ‘new collar’ workforce with Santa Fe Community College”
7/5/2021, “One-on-One: Marisa Saavedra-Gutierrez – interior designer”
7/2/21, Santa Fe Reporter, “No Strings Attached With $500k allocated to Santa Fe Community College students, 100 young families have financial support coming”
Student Spotlight

Order your books now at SFCC Online bookstore
We are proud to announce that Santa Fe Community College’s online bookstore operated by Barnes & Noble is live and ready to serve you! Access it at

Young parents apply by Aug. 29 for chance to get $400 per month
Young parents apply by 11:59 p.m. (midnight) Sunday, Aug. 29 for chance to get $400 per month. SFCC has exciting news from the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income project. If you are a young parent (age 18-30), you might be eligible to receive $400 a month while going to college.
Applications can be found here:
Qualified applicants will go through a random selection process. This selection process will be conducted by an independent research team at the University of Pennsylvania. One hundred SFCC students can be randomly selected to receive the funding.
To qualify, applicants must meet all of the following qualifications:
• Between the ages of 18 and 30
• A primary caregiver of a child under 18
• Planning on attending classes in the Fall of 2021 and are going to be a Certificate or Degree seeking student
• Has been enrolled in at least one class at SFCC prior to the Fall of 2021
• Make less than 200% of the federal poverty level (Many SFCC students qualify.)
If you are not eligible or one of the randomly selected participants, there are still many resources available to you through SFCC. Here are some sites with more information:
Yes, the deadline was extended! Applications will close on 8/29/21

Student Weekly Connection August 20
Read about therapy dogs at the library this Wednesday, this weekend’s Career Fair, the new online bookstore, computer and internet needs, financial aid, resources, the Sept. 1 COVID vaccine clinic and more.

Check out SFCC's new online student orientation
Student Success has recently released a new online Student Orientation. Take it yourself, and share it with our students. Here’s a preview:
Learn how to become a successful student with SFCC’s online Student Orientation!
It includes:
• A welcome from our college leadership
• Information about student services
• How to access student resources
• Information on navigating the mySFCC student portal
In just 30 minutes, you’ll be ready to succeed at SFCC. Click here to get started:

SFCC 2021-2022 Scholarship Application Available Now
SFCC can help you pay for college with scholarships. One simple application puts you in consideration for state institutional and Foundation private scholarships. Scholarships are available for new and returning, part time and full-time students to help pay for college for the upcoming academic year. Scholarships are also available for second-generation college students, Veterans, Native American students, Hispanic students and students with disabilities (must be registered with the SAS department at SFCC offers performance-based scholarships through Contract for a Better Tomorrow (CBT).
For more information and to apply go to:
If you have questions or assistance email the Financial Aid Office at from your SFCC student email account. Make sure to include your Student ID number in the email.
Se habla Español.
Openings for Student Employment at SFCC
Student work study is a financial aid need-based program that provides student funds earned through part-time employment currently paying at a rate of $12.32 per hour.
Eligible students can work up to 20 hours per week. In addition to helping you pay for your education, the work study program helps you gain work experience, develop your skills, and build a possible pathway to future employment opportunities.
To be eligible, students must meet the following requirements:
- Must complete the 2021-2022 FAFSA and any additional requested verification items
- Must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 degree-related credit hours for fall.
- Must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
If you are interested in student employment, you can email Susie Weaver at or for further information.

Therapy dogs are back! Aug. 25
Please join us for in-person canine cuddling at the Library.
10 to 11 a.m. Wednesday, August 25
Please follow on-campus guidelines found at

Great scholarship news for fall semester!
Great news!
The state is now funding the Lottery Scholarship at 100 percent!
For more information watch these videos from area broadcasters: KOB, KRQE and KOAT.
Also, some more great news about the New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship and other resources. See these highlights from the June 4 Santa Fe New Mexican story.
“The lottery scholarship program wasn’t the only good news for college students. The New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship, which benefits students who are not eligible for the lottery scholarship, such as returning adult learners and students who attend college part time, received an increase of $11 million for next year.
And the state has received $104 million in federal funds through the American Rescue Plan Act for student relief grants, Rodriguez said.
Read the full story here.
Want more information about how to apply for scholarships? Visit

Need help paying for internet service? You might qualify for federal assistance - application available May 12
The latest COVID relief act includes an internet benefit for low-income and Native American households. You could qualify for $50 to $75 in monthly assistance.
Details about the benefit can be found at
On May 12, you can apply at

Student Resource Center connects students with community programs
The Student Resource Center helps students connect with various services, programs and agencies. We can help link up with several community resources including: Housing, Food, Utility Payment Assistance, Childcare, Physical Health and Legal Services. For more information and assistance, please contact Student Resource Coordinator Jocelyn Hernandez Monsalvo at 505-428-1194 or visit
El Centro de Recursos Estudiantiles ayuda a los estudiantes a conectarse con varios servicios programas y agencias. Podemos ayudar a conectarse con varios servicios comunitarios, que incluyen: Vivienda, Comida, Asistencia para Pagos de Servicios Públicos, Cuidado de Niños, Salud Física y Servicios Legales. Para obtener más información y asistencia, comuníquese con la Coordinadora de Recursos Estudiantiles Jocelyn Hernandez Monsalvo al 505-428-1194 o visite
Employee Announcements

July WOWs
The WOW employees for July 2021 are:
Mariano Chavez
Luis Nominated Mariano for working to add Clovis Community College and other Colleges and HEI’s to our MS Teams domain, in anticipation of future work were we might need to collaborate with on the ERP. Mariano reached out to other HEI’s IT departments to help get this completed.
Gilbert Sanchez was nominated by Malvina Cannon for his continued years of service at SFCC, dedication and loyalty over the past 19 years.

Yash Morimoto column: Help those you love go to college
Yash Moriomoto’s My View column: “Help those you love go to college,” originally ran in the Santa Fe New Mexican on July 18. It was written by Yash Morimoto, Associate Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness. Please encourage your loved ones to go to college!
Yash Morimoto is the associate vice president for planning and institutional effectiveness at Santa Fe Community College.
Have you seen these artworks on campus?
If you have any knowledge of the whereabouts of either these two pieces of artwork, please contact Linda Cassel at (505) 660-1857 or
Artist Ned Jacobs
Study/Nez Perce Warrior
Charcoal on paper
23 3/4 x 12 3/4 inches
31 1/4 x 20 1/4 x 1 inches (framed)
Artist Lew Tilley
Magic Jugglers
Oil on canvas
50 x 30 inches
How to enroll for the COVID 19 vaccine
Please review the state’s latest vaccine registration information to see how to enroll for the COVID-19 vaccine.
SFCC encourages you to enroll soon, so our state can more effectively distribute the vaccine and notify you when vaccine doses will be available in your area.
NOVID phone app: The City of Santa Fe has partnered with NOVID to slow the spread of the virus. Download the free app at Read more about the app in this Dec. 15 Santa Fe Reporter story, “Spread the Word, not COVID-19.”

Let's help slow the spread of the virus
Let’s keep everyone safe and remember:
• SFCC COVID protocols require that everyone wear a mask at all times on campus.
• If you are feeling ill, you should not come into work, and avoid any type of social setting. The College wants you to feel better before you return to work.
• If you are feeling ill: Get tested and isolate yourself from others as much as possible. We need to help mitigate the health risk to others.
• Call 1-855-600-3453 for testing information and results.
• If you do contract COVID-19, seek medical attention immediately. Notify your supervisor and human resources. These cases need to reported, SFCC is here to support you.
Please do your part, to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.
Do you need information on testing? Visit
Remember to wash your hands for a full 20 seconds!

Submit nominations for WOW awards
The Office of Human Resources reminds you to nominate who you think is doing a great job here at SFCC. The nomination form can be found at the SFCC Connect portal, or by reaching out to Joanne Romero

Let Campus Weekly share your news
Let us know about your accomplishments and other news that you’d like to share. Please remember that the deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday to get an item in the next week’s issue. Submit here.
"Rio Bravo at SFCC" opens at 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 26

Santa Fe Community College’s Visual Arts Gallery will present “Rio Bravo Fine Art Gallery at SFCC” opening from 4 to 6 p.m. Aug. 26 and continuing through Sept. 23. For those who cannot attend the show, a virtual online exhibition will go live on Aug. 26 at All attendees at the opening need to wear a mask
Director of SFCC Visual Arts Gallery said, “This spectacular exhibition will showcase 28 artists who are featured at Rio Bravo Fine Art Gallery. SFCC is delighted to collaborate with Eduardo Alicea. The show will introduce so many to the full range of artistic talent at the gallery. We’re also honored to include work by H. Joe Waldrum as well as many other outstanding artists.”
Rio Bravo Fine Art Gallery in Truth or Consequences offers an exceptional array of contemporary and historical fine art. The gallery was established in 1998 by H. Joe Waldrum, an important American modernist who lived from 1934 to 2003. The gallery, which is owned and directed by Eduardo Alicea, represents the major portion of work left by Waldrum at the time of his death and the work of various regional and national artists.
The T or C gallery offers paintings that range from the abstract to the representational. It also offers sculptures and fiber art pieces. The art at the gallery by Waldrum includes not only paintings, but a large selection of print work. The quality and extent of the print work represented at the gallery reflect Waldrum’s devotion to this art form and his quest for perfection when producing print works.
Of note: One artist, Ricky Padilla, will have three paintings exhibited at our SFCC show as a fundraiser for Missing, Murdered Indigenous Women. All proceeds from the sale of these paintings will go to the Missing, Murdered Indigenous Women Organization,
Padilla lives in Alamo on the Navajo Reservation (not far from Socorro). The subject of missing and murdered women is important to him as he has had “people from my reservation go missing.” He has also had “family from To’Hajiilee on the Navajo Nation (on the border of Laguna Pueblo, west of Alb.) who have been murdered.”
Read the artist bios and more details about Rio Bravo Fine Art Gallery in this press release.
Image: Ricky Padilla’s Water is Life, acrylic, 20” d.