Campus Weekly
2018 Service and Excellence Awards

SFCC’s Service and Excellence Awards took place on Friday. View a list of the honorees and winners. Pictures will be released this week. . .
News and Announcements

Cabinet Secretary Damron to speak at Spring Commencement, May 12
This spring’s commencement ceremony begins at 10 a.m., Saturday, May 12 on campus in the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center gymnasium. Cabinet Secretary for Education, Dr. Barbara Damron will be the keynote speaker.
If you’re interested in volunteering, contact Registrar Kathleen Sena, ext. 1385.

Nursing pass rates outpace average
Dean Jenny Landen reports that SFCC’s dual enrollment ADN/BSN first-time pass rate for the NCLEX-RN (licensure exam) is greater than the overall rate for NM Nursing Education Consortium (NMNEC) schools combined. The consortium includes UNM, NMSU, WNMU, and partnering colleges SFCC, CNM, NMJC, SJC. SFCC has a higher rate than the average for all community college ADN/BSN graduate rates. In addition, the NMNEC schools’ BSN graduate pass rate is higher than the overall pass rate for the state (that number includes BSN, ADN, and Diploma programs).
See the numbers. Congratulations to our hardworking students and faculty members!

Estrada and Morimoto named Aspen Presidential Fellows
The Aspen Institute’s College Excellence Program has announced the 2018-2019 class of the Aspen Presidential Fellowship for Community College Excellence, a leadership program aimed at preparing the next generation of community college presidents and the class will include SFCC’s Rebecca Estrada, Executive Director of the Higher Education Center and Academic Partnerships, and Yash Morimoto, Associate Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness.
The select group of 40 fellows, who will participate in a 10-month program beginning in July, will work with mentors – current and former community college presidents – who have achieved exceptional outcomes for students throughout their careers.
Fellows will also learn from national experts about ways to harness data to assess student success outcomes, strategies for internal change leadership and how to create strong external partnerships with K-12 schools, four-year colleges and employers. Read more. . .

Respiratory Care named RRT Credentialing Success awardee
SFCC Respiratory Care Program is one of 112 out of 421 programs to be awarded the Distinguished RRT Credentialing Success Award by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC). This level of RRT credentialing has been a strategic goal of SFCC’s Respiratory Care Program for several years. The award ceremony will take place at the American Association for Respiratory Care Summer Forum in July in San Antonio, Texas. Congratulations!
Santa Fe Century sponsorships available
The Santa Fe Concert Band is offering a limited number of sponsorships for students who want to ride in the Santa Fe Century on May 20. There are 25, 50 and 100-mile rides. This ride starts and ends at the college.
If you are interested, please contact Mike Thompson, Adjunct Faculty Member in Engineering at or call 440-666-8119.

Call for submissions – Celebrate National Poetry Month
Submit poems to by 5 p.m., Mon., April 30. Submitted poems will be read by Spirit of Writing (SOW) members and three winners will be randomly selected. Winners announced at Office of Student Development’s Open Mic on Thur., May 3.
Sponsored by SFCC’s Spirit of Writing Collective (SOW) and The Center for Diversity and Integrated Learning (CDIL).
Also, visit the POET-TREE in the hallway by the Lecture Hall, Room 216 and Celebrate National Poetry Month by grabbing a poem!

Katie Besser Creative Writing Awards, May 1
SFCC’s emerging writers will showcase their work during the Katie Besser Creative Writing Awards celebration, formerly known as the Student Writing Awards at 6 p.m., Tuesday, May 1 at Collected Works Bookstore, 202 Galisteo St.
The recipient of the Richard Bradford Memorial Creative Writing Scholarship will also be announced. The awards were renamed the Katie Besser Creative Writing Awards in recognition Ms. Besser’s love of literature and creative writing.
Learn more about the Creative Writing program.

Share the Experience Pass (S.T.E.P.) available from Library
Our SFCC Library has the new Share The Experience Pass (S.T.E.P.) available for check out now.
This pass gives up to 6 people free general admission to 4 cultural sites in Santa Fe: The Children’s Museum, Botanical Gardens, Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, and the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts.
Faculty, staff and currently-enrolled students can check out the pass for 2 weeks. For more information contact the Library, ext. 1352

Dr. Tiziana Filippini on campus, May 1
Pedegogista Dr. Tiziana Filippini from the Early Learning Programs in Reggio Emilia, Italy will be on campus from 5:30 to 8 p.m. on May to with a presentation about the structure, values and process of pedagogical coordination and leadership in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Welcome to Dr. Filippini and attendees.
Student Spotlight

SFCC Glass Club Sale, May 2 & 3
The SFCC student Glass Club sale is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wed. and Thurs., May 2 and 3 in the main hallway. Art students will sell glass art and functional pieces. The work has been created by using a variety of methods, from fusing and slumping to casting and creative contemporary methods. Works include vibrant color and luminescent glass, whimsical sculptures and functional glassware.
For more information, contact Ellen Premack at
Photo: piece by Laura Fram Cowan

SFCC student fashion show, May 11
SFCC’s annual student fashion show begins with cocktails at 5:30 p.m. with the show beginning at 6 p.m., Friday, May 11 at the Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza, 100 Sandoval St. Tickets are $20-25 for VIP seating or $10 for regular seating and can be purchased online at or at the door. SFCC students are free with student ID. For more information, call 505-428-1358.
The event showcases fashion design students’ work as they present their work on the runway for finals. The show is produced by the SFCC Fashion Club and allows the students to get hands-on experience in several areas of the fashion industry. Make up and hair provided by Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy, Albuquerque.

PTK Induction Ceremony
The spring induction ceremony for the Alpha Kappa Xi chapter of the two-year college international Phi Theta Kappa honor society took place on the evening of April 20 in the Board Room. Read more about the event.
Photo: Inductee Leslie Martinez

Apply for summer financial aid NOW
Students interested in receiving financial aid for the summer must complete the 2018 Summer Supplemental Application. This form is available and can be completed at the Financial Aid Office in Welcome and Advising.
The payment deadline for summer classes is May 16, so please be sure to have financing in place so you don’t get dropped from your classes.
For more information, contact Financial Aid, ext. 1268.
SFCC Scholarship Application Deadline Friday, May 25
SFCC can help you pay for college with scholarships. One simple application puts you in consideration for all SFCC endowed Foundation and Institutional scholarships. Apply online today.
Funding is limited: lock in your scholarship now for the 2018-2019 academic year.
The application for a Contract for a Better Tomorrow is also open until May 25. The application is available from the Financial Aid Office or online.
Scholarships are awarded based upon availability of funds. Financial need and a minimum GPA are required for some scholarships. Students are required to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Scholarships are available for international and non-U.S. citizen students. International students should complete the 2018-2019 Dreamers Financial Aid Application available online and from the Financial Aid Office.
Learn more online, by emailing Financial Aid or calling 505-428-1268. Se habla Español.

Welding Students represent at Skills USA
Nine welding students participated in the Skills USA competition in April. Read about the results in a thank you letter from welding instructor Jake Lovato. Good work, team!

Respiratory Care Application open through today
Applications for the Respiratory Care 2018 cohort are open now through April 30. Acceptance letters will be sent no later than May 11. If the cohort is not full applications will be accepted after May 11 on a first come first served basis until the cohort is full.
For more information about the program, assistance with the application process and academic advising, please contact Rebecca Jeffs, ext. 1723 or Cahalan Fiddes, ext. 1462.
The 2018 application, application instructions and program information is available on the SFCC Respiratory Care page.

Nursing students receive Nightingale Scholarships
SFCC nursing students Cristian Pichardo, Refel Seleem and Jinelle Scully (pictured to the left with the director of Nursing, Terri Tewart) have been awarded a 2018 Nightingale Nursing Scholarship by the NM Center for Nursing Excellence. They are all pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in dual BSN program with UNM College of Nursing.

High School Equivalency/GED Classes for Summer
The application period for classes to prepare for the High School Equivalency/GED tests is opens May 1. Classes begin June 4 in Spanish and English.
New students must fill out and submit an orientation packet. Packets are available now at the Adult Education office on the SFCC campus, 6401 Richards Avenue in Room 502, between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and until 5 p.m. Fridays. New students must attend an orientation session. The sessions are scheduled for 5 to 9 p.m., Monday, May 14 and 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Friday, May 18. Registration for new students will take place at orientation.
For information, contact Lynne Matthes or call ext. 1356.

Dental Program accepting applications for fall 2018
SFCC’s Dental Department is accepting applications now for earning a Certificate in Dental Assisting, an Associate degree in Dental Health and/or a Certificate in Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA) applications for fall 2018.
The application and qualification criteria for the program can be found online. For more information, contact Dental Department Director Aamna Nayyar, ext. 1258.
Employee Announcements

SFCC Leadership Graduation this Thursday
Join in congratulating your colleagues who have completed the Leadership programs this year during a ceremony from 2 to 4 p.m., Thurs., May 3 in the Jemez Rooms.
Learn about TRiO from our students

TRiO is “an environment where I feel confident, empowered, and more optimistic from the friendly environment making me feel comfortable to the amount of support that the staff provides. They help with long term goals as well as short term, and I am grateful for this program because I feel more confident that I can complete my goals in furthering my education with the help of the TRiO team.” – Shane Pacheco, SFCC student
Read Shane’s full testimonial about TRiO.
Applications for the program are available in room LL313, downstairs in the West Wing. For more information visit here, email or call 505-428-1364.