I’ll always be grateful to Randy, not only for hiring me to run the EnergySmart training grant here at SFCC but for suggesting to me that I might want to pursue a Master’s degree program. I doubt if I ever would have done so without his suggestion and encouragement. I completed it 2 years ago. Thanks so much Randy!! –Amanda Hatherly, Director of New Mexico EnergySmart Academy
Randy hired me when he was Dean of T.A.T.C. Thank you, Randy. Here’s wishing you all the happiness in your retirement you deserve. –Richard W. Masterson, Adjunct Faculty Member
Randy has supported The MASTERS Program from when it was a sparkle in the eye of founder, John Bishop. Now in its 8th year on the campus of SFCC, TMP is a fixture in the lower west wing and hundreds of students have benefited from their education here. TMP students have earned 26 associate degrees while still in high school and there have been many more by those who continue at SFCC after TMP. Forty high school students have earned certificates while enrolled in high school and many more have gotten certificates after high school. TMP staff and students love the beauty of this campus and being surrounded by art, the outstanding courses and programs offered, and the kindness and professionalism of the SFCC staff. Randy, we are grateful to you for being such a huge part of making our school possible. –Anne Salzmann, Head of School for TMP
In response to your message congratulating President Grissom, I’d like to say that I’ve been very appreciative of his willingness to expand the College’s programs, and even more than that, to create innovative partnerships with the community. He has also shown a great commitment to student success. I just want to let him know that his leadership has been valuable in many ways, and I wish him a wonderful retirement! –Michael Alexander, Faculty Member in the School of Liberal Arts
Without President Grissom, the Book Art and Printmaking program would not have grown at the speed that we have experienced. He has always been open and willing to work with me when I presented him a well thought out plan. He has helped me to remodel the facility to meet our needs, he helped me to obtain the equipment necessary to make it all happen. He has always been open and excited about my projects. He gave me support and encouragement to continue to grow with my vision. I have found him to be personable and caring about all of the programs that serve our student population. I think that he has made this school a vibrant and exciting place to work. I will truly miss him. –Patricia Pearce, Director of Center for Book Art and Printmaking