

About the Program

Visualize a six-monitor control room looking out on three labs, totaling 4,000 square feet of equipment; EKG machines, respirators, IV lines and hospital beds – each with a patient in need of medical care.

Now imagine that you, a student, have to diagnose and treat these patients! Though it sounds dangerous, don’t worry. You’re in SFCC’s state-of-the-art Medical Simulation Lab (SimLab), and your patients are High-fidelity Simulation Manikins.

While they do talk, breathe, bleed, and even give birth, each scenario is regulated by instructors in two-way communication via the control room. Your patient may “simulate” distress, but in your debriefing with your instructor, you’ll find out why. SFCC is home to the largest SimLab in New Mexico, where we perform up to six simulations at one time.

Our Mission: Improve health care in our community by producing excellently trained healthcare workers.

Learn more about available programs at the School of Sciences, Health, Engineering and Math.

Who uses the SimLab for training?

SFCC Students:

Respiratory Care
Level-IV Nursing
Emergency Medical Services/Paramedics

Community Health Care Practitioners:

Medical-surgical nurses
ICU nurses
ER Emergency Nurse Orientation Competency (ENOC)
New nursing graduates at Cristus St. Vincent Hospital