COVID-19 VaxAid
Students, do not miss your opportunity to receive $250 for being fully vaccinated. Visit this link for more information and directions on how to upload your information for eligibility consideration.
![]() | Covid VaxAid – Santa Fe Community College – Covid VaxAid en Español If you are fully vaccinated: Not fully vaccinated: You can get fully vaccinated and become eligible for VaxAid. Go to |

It’s Dell Education Month! For a full month we want to celebrate you. I want to ensure you have all the details.
Starting September 30th through October 31st, you and your faculty, staff, students and alumni can save up to $200 on select PCs* for your personal technology needs.
Share this with family and friends too – it’s for everyone!

Access Education Purchase Program benefits here:
Plus, remember that your faculty, staff, students and alumni can get some great discounts on Dell Electronics & Accessories – Get that coupon on your Dell page too!
Fall 2021 second 8-week registration is happening NOW!! Schedule your appointment TODAY with your academic advisor! Last day to register is for second 8-week is October 19.
1) Contact an advisor at Academic Advising at 505-428-1275 or
2) Registration is at Interested students are encouraged to contact
SFCC’s Welcome and Advising Center at 505-428-1270.
The Campus Cupboard (room 302E) is offering FREE FOOD this Fall Semester each Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 2-4pm for in-person pick-up. Students can visit weekly during open hours to select their own products or pick-up a prepacked box. We currently do not require any student identification. Personal hygiene (menstrual) products are available from Free Flow NM. If you cannot attend the current open hours or are not comfortable with in-person shopping, please contact or 505-428-1775 to arrange an alternate time or pick-up location. Visit for more information.
1) Are you a currently enrolled in the Fall semester and are experiences some financial challenges? Have you experienced a recent emergency and need just a little help? Apply today through the Student Emergency Fund. Applications can be found on your MYSFCC page under Resources (Emergency Assistance Fund). Applications are reviewed frequently, and funds are directly awarded to your account. (The funds cannot cover the cost of tuition or books.)
2) Did you know that you may be eligible for FREE GRANT MONEY? Have you completed your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If not, it’s easy, apply today at Even if you are taking a few classes, you may still be eligible. For more information, please contact our financial aid office at (505) 428-1268. The 2021-2022 FAFSA applications are available now.
1) Students will not be dropped for non-payment. If you are currently enrolled, you must pay in full or make payment arrangements with the cashier’s office. Contact them today at
2) Students need to pay their current balance to register for the subsequent term. Please contact the Cashiers office today or visit your student account online (
On October 5th from 6:00 to 8:00 SFCC and the Library are hosting a Zoom class on haibun (a prose and haiku combination) given by Miriam Sagan. For an invitation and a Zoom link please email Miriam – Participation is limited so email as soon as possible.
The Therapy Dogs are back. The natural way to reduce midterm stress. Please join us in the courtyard for furry snuggles when the Therapy Dogs come on October 13th from 11:00 to 1:00.
Out in the fresh fall air we will be able to follow CDC guidelines for doggy kisses and ear scratches.
RESOURCE OF THE WEEK – Esperanza Shelter and Support Center
3130 Rufina St, Santa Fe, NM 87507 | 505-474-5536 |
24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 505-473-5200 or 1-800-473-5220
Esperanza provides shelter to men and women fleeing from domestic violence. Their children are also able to stay there. There are about 20-30 spaces for individuals and families – sometimes it depends how big the family is and if there is space for all of them or their overall situation. Individuals and families can stay for three months. If there is no room individuals are referred to other shelters or programs that can help. Within the three months individuals and their families have access to food, and counseling. Community Navigators help find housing options, build resume for jobs, and help obtain ID’s and other important documents. Court advocates help navigate through the legal system. The Non-Residential program is available to those who have left Esperanza Shelter or are ready to live on their own or does not necessarily need shelter at the time. The client can continue with group counseling they work on setting boundaries, conflict resolution, how to care for their family and children. Path to Peace program offers counseling to court order participants (sometimes self-referred) individually and in a group setting call Support Center for more information (505) 474-5536. Most of the staff members speak Spanish. One non-residential survivor group is offered in Spanish. Path to Peace group also offered in Spanish.
Línea directa de crisis las 24 horas: 505-473-5200 o 1-800-473-5220.
Esperanza brinda refugio a hombres y mujeres que huyen de la violencia doméstica. Sus hijos también pueden quedarse allí. Hay alrededor de 20-30 espacios para individuos y familias, a veces depende de qué tan grande sea la familia y si hay espacio para todos ellos o su situación general. Las personas y las familias pueden permanecer durante tres meses. Si no hay lugar, las personas son referidas a otros refugios o programas que pueden ayudar. Dentro de los tres meses, las personas y sus familias tienen acceso a alimentos y asesoramiento psicológico. Los navegadores comunitarios ayudan a encontrar opciones de vivienda, a crear un currículum vitae para trabajos y a obtener identificaciones y otros documentos importantes. Los defensores de la corte ayudan a navegar el sistema legal. El programa no residencial está disponible para aquellos que han dejado el refugio Esperanza o están listos para vivir solos o no necesariamente necesitan refugio en ese momento. El cliente puede continuar con el asesoramiento grupal que trabaja para establecer límites, resolución de conflictos, cómo cuidar a su familia e hijos. El programa Camino a la Paz ofrece asesoramiento a los participantes de órdenes judiciales (a veces autor referidos) individualmente y en un entorno grupal,
llame al Centro de Soporte para obtener más información (505) 474-5536. La mayoría de los miembros del personal hablan español. Un grupo de sobrevivientes no residenciales se ofrece en español. El grupo Camino a la Paz también se ofrece en español.
Scholarship Application (2021-2022) Available Now
SFCC can help you pay for college with scholarships. One simple application puts you in consideration for state institutional and Foundation private scholarships. Scholarships are available for new and returning, part time and full-time students to help pay for college for the upcoming academic year. Scholarships are also available for second generation college students, Veterans, Native American students, Hispanic students and students with disabilities (must be registered with the SAS department at SFCC offers performance-based scholarships through Contract for a Better Tomorrow (CBT).
For more information and to apply go to:
If you have questions or assistance email the Financial Aid Office at from your SFCC student email account. Make sure to include your Student ID number in the email.
Se habla Español.

Always Your Champion,
Dr. Thomasinia Ortiz-Gallegos
Associate Vice President for Student Success
Santa Fe Community College