

Members of SFCC received a warm Thank You letter from New Mexico Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement, Inc (NM MESA), which prepares middle and high school students for college majors and careers in mathematics, engineering, science and related fields.

The college recently hosted students from Bernalillo Middle School and Cochiti Middle School for a hands-on tour of the campus.

In his thank you letter, Nicholas Kunz, North Central Region Coordinator for NM MESA, wrote:

THANK YOU for participating in a very meaningful and memorable day for our MESA students from Bernalillo Middle School and Cochiti Middle School! I received much enthusiastic feedback from the teachers, and we now have multiple students and teachers who have made SFCC connections and plan to stay in touch for future opportunities, such as internships, school visits and other classes of particular interest.

Special thanks to these people who put in extra time to help me schedule this event: Benjamin Lauer, Jenny Landen, Luke Spangenburg, Marcos Maez, and Mason Kovac.

And many thanks to people who shared their wisdom and expertise with our students:

Ed Barker

Ramar Jette

Miguel Maestas

Marcos Maez

Patrick Nichols

Daniela Gurule

Luke Spangenburg

John Zysk

NM MESA supports programs throughout the state, in which students participate in activities such as field trips, speaker presentations, workshops, academic competitions, community service and leadership development.

View photos from the day.
