Released: March 2, 2023
The free Financial Aid for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form offers access to college financial aid
Santa Fe Community College is offering free online FAFSA (Financial Aid for Federal Student Aid form) workshops for current and prospective students at 11 a.m. Wednesdays in English and at 11 a.m. Thursdays in Spanish. The SFCC Financial Aid staff will be available to help students fill out the FAFSA application. The office also offers in-person FAFSA assistance by appointment.
English-speakers can get more information about joining the online workshops at Spanish-speakers can read about Spanish online workshops at Parents and/or other family members are welcome to join the student during this process.
The free workshops will be offered every week through May 11, 2023, except April 5, 6, 12 and 13.
What do you need to work on the FAFSA application?
- 2020 Tax Returns and W-2 Forms (2022-2023 FAFSA)
- 2021 Tax Returns and W-2 Forms (2023-2024 FAFSA)
- Social Security numbers
- Resident card A# (if not a U.S. citizen but an eligible non-US citizen)
- Parent(s) date of birth
- Date parents were married, remarried, separated, divorced or widowed.
Note: Both parent and student information should be used if the student is under 24-years-old and not married or independent.
SFCC offers dozens of scholarships. Regardless of your eligibility for aid determined by FASFA, you may be eligible for an SFCC Foundation scholarship. There are many grants also available.
If you have questions about the SFCC financial aid process, please either email or call 505-428-1268.
Talleres de dinero para la universidad FAFSA para los estudiantes de SFCC y futuros estudiantes universitarios primerizos. Únate en línea todos los jueves a las 11 a.m. para talleres en español.
¿Qué necesitas para el taller?
- Declaraciones de impuestos y formularios W-2 del 2020 (2022-2023 FAFSA)
- Declaraciones de impuestos y formularios W-2 del 2021 (2023-2024 FAFSA)
- Números de Seguro Social (si se emiten)
- Tarjeta de residente A# (si no es ciudadano estadounidense pero no ciudadano estadounidense elegible)
- Fecha de nacimiento de los padres
- Date los padres se casaron, se volvieron a casar, se separaron, se divorciaron o enviudaron.
Para más información: Visite, envíe un correo electrónico a o al 505-428-1268.
Santa Fe Community College celebrates its 40th Anniversary as the pathway to success for individuals and the community. SFCC provides affordable, high-quality programs that serve the academic, cultural, and economic needs of the community. The college welcomes over 10,000 students per year in credit, noncredit, workforce training, personal enrichment, and adult programs.
A “Best for Vets” and a “Military Friendly” school.
Visit or call 505-428-1000.
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