SFCC announces Virtual Commencement Ceremony at 10 a.m. June 20, 2020

Simultaneous broadcast on KSWV 99.9 FM| 810 AM, YouTube and SFCTV-16 on Comcast

Santa Fe Community College announces that it will host a Virtual Commencement Ceremony at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 20. While graduates won’t be on campus, they will be celebrated as their names and awards are announced during a live broadcast on KSWV 99.9 FM/810 AM  (live at https://www.santafetoday.com/kswv/) that will also stream live on YouTube at https://youtu.be/RB0xfiYy09c and on SFCVTV-16 on Comcast.

President Becky Rowley, Ph.D., said, “The Spring 2020 graduates will always be remembered for their resilience, persistence and hard work in achieving their goals during this incredibly challenging time. Our community needs the talents of these graduates more than ever.”

“Commencement is a time-honored tradition and we would have loved to hold an in-person ceremony. Our commencement committee, however, explored a variety of options but ultimately determined that with the volume of graduates, family members and community members who would like to support our graduates that an in-person ceremony was not a safe and viable option during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I applaud our Spring 2020 graduates who have overcome so much to reach this milestone. I extend gratitude to faculty and staff who helped our graduates reach their goal.”

Estevan Gonzales, general manager of KSWV, will open the program at 10 a.m. with a brief Q & A session with President Rowley. Representatives of the SFCC Governing Board and Student Government Association President Ian Widrick Martinez will give a brief welcome. Dean Camilla Bustamante, Ph.D., and Dean Jenny Landen will offer short congratulatory messages. Three faculty readers will read the names of the graduates. The ceremony will conclude at 11 a.m.

In addition to the live broadcast, Santa Fe Community Television (SFCTV-16 on Comcast) will broadcast the Virtual Commencement Ceremony at 6 p.m. Tues., June 23; at 11 a.m. Wed., June 24; at 6 p.m. Thurs., June. 25 and at 3 p.m. Sat., June 27 on Santa Fe Community Television (SFCTV-16), Comcast Channel 16 through cable.

SFCC 2020 Spring Graduation Fast Facts

344 SFCC graduates are eligible to receive 374 awards. 24 students will receive more than one award. Of those awards: 237 are for certificates and 137 are for associate degrees.

  • 73.4 percent are from Santa Fe; 5.5 percent from Albuquerque, 2.4 percent from Pecos, 1.7 from Rio Rancho, 1.4 percent from Española. The remaining graduates are from 36 communities around the state (ranging from Alamogordo to Zuni) with the highest concentration from Northern New Mexico.
  • The graduates range in age from 16 to 77.
  • Almost half (48.8 percent) self-identify as Latino/Hispanic, and 12.8 percent identify themselves as American Indian or Alaska Native.
  • 13 graduates identify themselves as military veterans, military spouses or dependents of military veterans.
  • Several awards are being given for the first time at the college this year, including Advanced Dental Assisting Skills Certificate (3), Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate (2) and Application Development Certificate (1).
  • The highest number of awards are in: Nursing Assistant Certificate (44), Early Childhood Development Certificate (26), Nursing, A.A.S (14) and Human Services A.A (12).
  • The associate degrees to be awarded include Associate in Arts (57) Associate in Applied Arts (3), Associate in Science (65) and Associate in Applied Science (12).

Santa Fe Community College celebrates its 40th Anniversary as the pathway to success for individuals and the community. SFCC provides affordable, high-quality programs that serve the academic, cultural, and economic needs of the community. The college welcomes over 10,000 students per year in credit, noncredit, workforce training, personal enrichment, and adult programs.
A “Best for Vets” and a “Military Friendly” school.

Visit sfcc.edu or call 505-428-1000.

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