SFCC Fact Sheet on Collective Bargaining Negotiations

The Santa Fe Community College Governing Board today released a fact sheet on negotiations between SFCC management and SFCC-AAUP, as follows:

  • SFCC provided a full package proposal that included opening proposals on working conditions and compensation to the Union’s (SFCC-AAUP) Negotiating Team on December 7, 2017.
  • The SFCC-AAUP has provided single article counter-proposals throughout the process.
  • There have been 10 collective bargaining sessions over 6 months.
  • The SFCC-AAUP has not, as of May 24, 2018, provided full counter-proposals to all articles included in SFCC’s full package proposal.
  • In addition, the SFCC-AAUP, as of May 24, 2018, has not provided counter-proposals on compensation or on a grievance procedure (which is mandated by the SFCC Labor Relations Resolution and state law), both of which were included in SFCC’s original package proposal.
  • On May 8, 2018, SFCC provided the SFCC-AAUP with notice that SFCC’s intent was to provide available compensation increases at the beginning of the fiscal year or July 1, 2018, incumbent on the Parties (SFCC management and SFCC-AAUP) reaching a final ratified agreement, and that the Parties had approximately 2 months to reach an agreement.
  • The Parties met for two negotiating sessions in early May.
  • The Parties have tentatively agreed to negotiations on the following dates in June: 18, 21, 25 and 28, and have also tentatively agreed to meet for full day sessions.
  • We are hopeful that this process proceeds expeditiously for the benefit of all.

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Santa Fe Community College celebrates its 40th Anniversary as the pathway to success for individuals and the community. SFCC provides affordable, high-quality programs that serve the academic, cultural, and economic needs of the community. The college welcomes over 10,000 students per year in credit, noncredit, workforce training, personal enrichment, and adult programs.
A “Best for Vets” and a “Military Friendly” school.

Visit sfcc.edu or call 505-428-1000.

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