These procedures describe the process and deadlines for changing from audit to credit and vice-versa.
- Students follow the normal method of registering for a credit course. At the time of registration, the student must indicate their desire to register for a course under the audit option.
- The student pays the regular tuition and fees applicable to the credit course.
- The student can change from credit to audit or vice versa online or by submitting a Request to Change Classes form to the Welcome and Advising Center front desk. This must be done by the deadline that is published in the SFCC Schedule of Courses.
- For a full-semester course, a student may change enrollment from audit to credit or from credit to audit until the end of the seventh week of instruction during spring or fall semesters and through the end of the third week of instruction in a summer session.
- Deadlines to change from credit to audit or audit to credit for courses that are less than a full semester are listed in the course schedule.
- Audit-to-credit changes require the signature of the faculty member teaching the course.
- The student’s transcript shows a grade of AU, instead of a regular grade such as A, B, C, D, or F. This notation does not reflect mastery of the material covered in a course, does not meet pre-requisite course requirements, and no credit is awarded.
Contact: Bernadette Gonzales, Registrar
Updated: 04/12/2017