Policy Overview
This policy provides guidelines regarding the use of all types of surveillance camera systems and the placement of surveillance cameras located at Santa Fe Community College (SFCC or College) facilities. To ensure the protection of individual privacy rights of those working, attending or visiting SFCC, this policy formalizes the process of using video surveillance equipment on College property.
Scope and Applicability
This policy outlines the conditions under which stored images or video are to be used and when and how surveillance cameras are to be installed as part of crime deterrence; to capture evidence of a crime; to promote health and safety; academic integrity in testing centers; and to safeguard and monitor SFCC physical property. It applies to all SFCC locations, whether owned or leased, where surveillance cameras are installed. This policy applies to all students and all employees. It also applies to contractors, service providers, and visitors. Authorized financial institutions utilizing security cameras to monitor bank locations and ATMs located on SFCC’s facilities are exempt from this policy.
Policy Statement
Through this policy SFCC commits to enhancing the quality of life of the campus community by integrating the best practices of safety and security. It acknowledges the use of video surveillance technology is a part of a comprehensive security plan.
- Academic Integrity A fundamental principle which is important to the College. Students are responsible for ensuring they are honest in their academic pursuits. Academic dishonesty means any behavior that misrepresents or falsifies the student’s knowledge, skills or ability with the goal of unjustified or illegitimate evaluation or gain and includes cheating, plagiarism and falsification of records.
- Employee is any member of the college workforce: all staff (regular full-time, regular part-time, term, temporary, probationary, sensitive position); all student employees; all faculty (full-time, part-time, adjunct, probationary); all administrators, including interim; all contract employees.
- IPRA is the acronym for the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act (NMSA 1978, §§ 14-2-1 et seq.)
- Privacy Areas are areas such as bathrooms, lactation rooms, shower areas, and changing rooms, and private offices where students and staff have a reasonable expectation of privacy as defined by law.
- Security Surveillance Equipment is equipment or device used to monitor, track or observe persons or things related to any type of investigation or evidence gathering process wherein the need for the highest degree of security is mandatory, so not as to compromise the operation in general or personnel in particular.
- Surveillance Camera is an SFCC-owned camera, technology or communications device used alone or in conjunction with a network for the purpose of gathering, monitoring, recording or storing an image or images of College facilities and/or people in College facilities for security purposes. This does not include classroom audio or visual equipment for instructional purposes. Image capture may use any technological format.
- Surveillance Monitoring or Recording refers to using a camera or other related technology to observe, review, report or store visual images to deter crime, to protect the safety and security of SFCC, to capture evidence of a crime. This does not include classroom audio or visual equipment for instructional purposes.
- Video is the comprehensive term for all recorded (still or action) images that are addressed as part of this policy. Images are visual only and do not include audio; however, they can include, but are not limited to data, footage, images, recordings and information.
- Viewing Observing the live camera feed as it occurs.
Policy Process
- Installation Procedures and Locations
- The use of surveillance cameras is limited to those that do not violate a person’s “reasonable expectation of privacy,” as that term is defined by law.
- Accordingly, surveillance cameras are not and may not be installed in any privacy areas, with the exception of private offices, in which case surveillance cameras may only be installed or removed at the request of the occupant(s) with the prior written consent of the person(s) with reasonable expectations of privacy in that office.
- SFCC will use cameras in specific, authorized situations to support behavior (SFCC Policy 2-1 Student Code of Conduct, including testing; SFCC Policy 4-1 Employee Workplace Ethics and Code of Conduct).
- All new installations, removal or reinstallation of existing surveillance cameras will only occur with the advance approval of the President, Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer or designee and must be coordinated with the Office of Information Technology.
- The College’s use of surveillance cameras for monitoring or recording must be conducted in a professional, ethical and legal manner consistent with all existing College policies.
- Tampering with surveillance cameras or unauthorized access to or duplication of recorded video is strictly prohibited.
- Surveillance cameras will be installed and configured to prevent tampering with or unauthorized duplication of recorded video.
- SFCC will install signage indicating surveillance cameras are in use.
- Generally surveillance cameras will not be installed in classrooms except in computer and testing rooms or when approved by a faculty member responsible for the room, by the Dean, and by the President.
- Viewing
- Only authorized personnel, as determined by the President, Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer or designee, will be involved in or have access to surveillance monitoring.
- The existence of this policy does not imply or guarantee that cameras will be monitored in real time 24 hours a day, seven days a week; however, the College reserves the right to do so.
- The surveillance camera system does not guarantee that someone on College property is safe from crime or injury.
- There is no guarantee that Campus Safety and Security will be able to observe and respond to a crime in progress or other emergencies.
- Victims and witnesses of crime should dial 911 or contact Campus Safety and Security at 505-428-1224.
- Testing Center staff members and student employees will use surveillance cameras to monitor testing rooms for the purpose of proctoring exams.
- Storage and Retention
- Recorded surveillance camera data will be retained for a minimum of 90 days unless required for a continuing investigation of an incident, after which the recorded data will be erased or destroyed.
- All recorded data will be stored on designated secured network video storage with limited access.
- Access and storage will be managed according to established Office of Information Technology practices (SFCC Policy 7-1 Information Technology, Usage and Security).
- Recorded data retained for investigation purposes will be strictly managed with limited access.
- Release of Information
- Information regarding student conduct may be requested from Campus Safety and Security or the Testing Center by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, the Associate Vice President for Student Success or designee.
- College personnel are prohibited from using or disseminating information acquired from surveillance cameras except as approved by the Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations or designee.
- All other requests for the release of information obtained through surveillance monitoring or recording must be submitted to the Marketing and Public Relations Department.
- The Marketing and Public Relations Department will process such requests in accordance with the Inspection of Public Records Act and other federal and state laws and legal processes addressing the disclosure of SFCC records.
- Any release of recorded data will be documented in a Campus Safety and Security report.
- SFCC will make a reasonable attempt to notify individuals identified in the recorded data.
- Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including termination (SFCC Policy 4-2 Employee Corrective Action and Disciplinary Action).
Statement of Accountability and Responsibility
The President, through the Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer, shall be responsible for enforcing surveillance camera policies and procedures. The Financial Services Department and Campus Safety and Security shall work with the different departments and offices to comply with this policy and to develop procedures that will enforce this policy regarding awareness, prevention, and remediation.
New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act, NMSA 1978 §§ 14-201 et seq
SFCC Policy 2-1 Student Code of Conduct
SFCC Policy 4-1 Workplace Ethics and Code of Conduct
SFCC Policy 4-2 Employee Corrective Action and Disciplinary Action
SFCC Policy 7-1 Information Technology Resources, Usage and Security
SFCC Governing Board approved: 9/15/15
Revised and SFCC Governing Board approved: 9/25/15
Revised and SFCC Governing Board approved: 12/2/15
Revised and SFCC Governing Board approved: 6/23/2021
View Section 6
View 6-12 Procedures