- The applicant for readmission submits a petition to the Director of Admissions.
- The Admissions Committee considers each request No student may enroll after the class has begun and the drop had period for that class has ended.
- If the committee decides to readmit the applicant, a Readmission Decision form is completed and given to the student, who must deliver it to the registrar.
- If the committee denies readmission, the appropriate space on the Readmission Decision form is checked before the form is signed and given to the student.
- The Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs may override the decision of the Admissions Committee for special circumstances.
- Students may appeal the decision of the Admissions Committee and/or the decision of the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs if their cases meet the criteria for appeal as stipulated in Policy 2-21, Appeal of Academic To file appeals, students must adhere to the procedures described in Policy 2-21.
- No readmission application fee is required.
- The Director of Admissions chairs the Admissions Committee.
- One member of the counseling staff appointed by the Assistant Vice President for Academic Support and Student Retention serves on the committee.
- Three faculty members (as well as other instructional staff, if needed) appointed by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs serve on the committee.
Updated: 8/7/03
Policy 2-9