
8-8: Public Website Management – Procedures

  1. The purpose of the Santa Fe Community College website is to provide access to online and mobile users who wish to obtain information about the college, its programs and services.
  2. The SFCC website is considered an official College publication.
  3. The purpose of these procedures is to:
    1. Establish standards of conformity for official pages posted on the SFCC website.
    2. Ensure proper use, accuracy, and consistency.
    3. Establish best practices for the management, maintenance, and oversight of the College website and related web properties.
  4. Oversight and Maintenance
    1. All content, naming, menu structure, and placement on the public website is overseen and managed by the Marketing and Public Relations Department in cooperation with members of SFCC programs, departments, and administration.
    2. The Marketing and Public Relations Department is responsible for monitoring content of uploaded pages, training users in use of the Content Management System and software for building and uploading pages, and responding to questions about content and design.
    3. The Marketing and Public Relations Department will review the website for accuracy, current content, and compliance with SFCC website policies and guidelines and may make changes as needed.
    4. The College does not post online forms requesting personally identifiable information on its public website. (SFCC Policy 7-3 Information Security).
    5. SFCC programs and departments are encouraged to work collaboratively with the Marketing and Public Relations Department in developing their web pages.
    6. Information drafted or changed by web collaborators may be reviewed by the Marketing and Public Relations Department before changes are made public.
    7. Due to the dynamic nature and frequent turnover of student clubs, the public website does not support individual webpages for clubs requiring regular updates. Clubs are encouraged to manage their content and engage with their audiences through social media platforms, which offer more flexible and timely interaction. (SFCC Policy 8-7 Social Media).
    8. The Marketing and Public Relations Department shall have the final authority on College web content.
    9. The Marketing and Public Relations Department does not maintain MySFCC, Banner, Canvas, or other third-party online platforms that may be used by departments or programs.
  5. Acceptable Use, Copyright, and Privacy
    1. Use of an official SFCC web page must be consistent with SFCC’s mission, vision, and goals.
    2. All users are expected to provide materials that are consistent with federal and state law and College policies.
    3. Users are expected to provide materials that are high in quality, are technically complete and adequate to the purpose, and provide information that results in a service to College students and stakeholders.
    4. Use of copyrighted material or intellectual property without the original user’s knowledge and permission is not allowed.
      1. Proper permissions must be obtained and cleared with the Marketing and Public Relations Department before using any copyrighted material.
      2. Failure to provide appropriate permission will result in the content being removed from the SFCC website, as well as possible fines and legal action from the individual or organization whose material was violated.
  6. Design Consistency
    1. SFCC has adopted a WordPress Content Management System that provides for design consistency throughout the website.
    2. All web pages must conform to CMS standards and templates.
    3. Acceptable specifications are available from the Marketing and Public Relations Department.
    4. SFCC web pages must follow College policies and procedures concerning the use of the College logo and colors.
  7. Links, Personal Pages and Commercial Advertising
    1. All links to external sites must be appropriate to the mission and purpose of the College and must be properly approved by the Marketing and Public Relations Department and the head of the program, office, or department.
    2. Commercial advertising or commercial use of pages is not permitted on the SFCC website.
  8. Ongoing Review
    1. Employees in programs, offices, and departments who maintain website pages are responsible for posting accurate and current content.
    2. Employees are encouraged to review their pages regularly to check for dead links, missing pages, and unacceptable links.
    3. Employees should communicate with the Marketing and Public Relations Department about changes in personnel and program, office, or department specifics.
  9. The Marketing and Public Relations Department is responsible for assuring these procedures are maintained and implemented.
  10. The Marketing and Public Relations Department and the Office of Information Technology reserve the right to remove or refuse server uploads for any programs, HTML documents, graphics, audio, video, forms, or data that do not comply with SFCC policies or guidelines, or create site instability.
  11. When opinions differ on the appropriateness of materials or a page’s compliance to these policies and guidelines, differences will be resolved through appropriate supervisory channels.


Contact:          Todd Lovato, Chief Communications Officer
Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations

Updated:         6/3/2024