Policy Overview
This policy establishes the pay schedule and parameters for payroll deductions.
Scope and Applicability
This policy applies to all employees of Santa Fe Community College.
Policy Statement
Payroll is processed every two weeks on a schedule established by the Office of Finance. Non-exempt employees are paid one week in arrears, and exempt employees are paid up to and including pay day. Appropriate deductions as defined by Federal and State statute as well as employee authorized deductions are taken from each paycheck (Policy 4-36 SFCC Compensation and Benefits).
- Biweekly Every other week.
- Contract Employee is employed under an employment contract or has contractual obligations with SFCC. Any non-faculty employee hired through an employment contract is a contract employee. Non-faculty employees who are typically hired through an employment contract include executive directors, vice presidents, employees in sensitive positions, and any other employee whom the College proposes to hire as a contract employee because the circumstances warrant.
- Exempt employee An employee who is not entitled to overtime pay and is usually salaried.
- Faculty Employees whose position is to instruct students.
- Non-exempt employee An employee who is entitled to overtime pay and is usually paid hourly.
- Salaried employee An employee who is paid a regular salary rather than an hourly wage.
Policy Process
A. Payroll Schedule and information
- All employees will be paid biweekly on a schedule established by the Finance Department.
- 2. Employees may elect to have automatic deposit to their bank account by following the established procedures.
B. Payroll Deductions
- SFCC will apply deductions for taxes, retirement (Education Retirement Board), and other deductions defined by State and Federal statute.
- Employees may authorize additional deductions for benefits (Policy 4-36 SFCC Compensation and Benefits).
- Eligible employees may select a state authorized alternative retirement plan during the first ninety days of employment. After that time, the selection is no longer available. The decision to enter into an alternative plan shall be irrevocable, except as defined in statute.
C. Contract Employees/Faculty
- Employees not on a twelve-month duty schedule may elect to be paid on a twelve-month schedule or on a schedule according to their months of employme
- If an employee resigns or is dismissed during the year, he/she shall be paid on a pro-rata basis.
Statement of Accountability and Responsibility
The President, through the Vice President for Finance/Chief Financial Officer and/or the Office of Finance (OF), shall be responsible for enforcing Finance procedures and policies. OF shall work with the different departments and offices to comply with this policy and develop procedures that will enforce this policy regarding awareness, prevention, and remediation.
Policy 4-36 SFCC Compensation and Benefits
1-15-02, SFCC Governing Board
Updated: 8/13/03
Revised and SFCC Governing Board approved: 2/18/16