Policy Overview
This policy sets the parameters within which the Santa Fe Community College Governing Board (Board), in conjunction with the SFCC Foundation (Foundation), determines the naming of SFCC facilities, space and endowed chairs.
Scope and Applicability
The Board is responsible for this policy. The Foundation may request the Board to act pursuant to a substantial contribution.
Policy Statement
The Board retains the authority to decide the criteria related to naming College facilities, space or endowed chairs and to make final naming decisions. In the event an endowed chair’s position is eliminated due to the closure of a department or program or some other reason permitted under College policy, the donation may be reallocated to another position in the same or related program or department.
- Endowed Chair refers to the assignment of a faculty position in the donor-designated department that uses the donation to pay for the salary of the faculty member.
- Naming refers to assigning the name of a donor to a facility, space or faculty assignment (e.g., endowed chair).
- Substantial Contribution is a monetary or in-kind contribution that significantly contributes to an educational program of the College, coordinated through the Foundation. This may include naming opportunities for lesser amounts, e.g. garden, laboratories, fountains, etc.
Policy Process
The Board:
- Recognizes the role of the Foundation is fund raising to benefit the College, and will entertain requests of the Foundation regarding naming opportunities.
- Works collaboratively with the Foundation Board to develop and periodically review criteria for naming assets of the College.
- Will entertain requests from the Foundation regarding the naming of College property or services.
- In consultation with the Foundation, retains the right to remove or replace the name assigned to a facility, endowed chair or space should a significant change in the circumstances of the donor occur, such as when the continued use of the name would compromise the public trust and reflect adversely upon the College or when a donor fails to satisfy the financial commitment associated with the naming.
- Recommends that naming agreements be made for a period of 10 years, or a significant period of time negotiated with the donor by the College President and the Foundation, and approved by the Board.
- Acknowledges that naming does not mean the College or the Foundation endorses the philosophy or business practices of the donor.
Statement of Accountability and Responsibility
The Board is responsible for implementation of and adherence to this policy.
SFCC and SFCC Foundation Memorandum of Agreement
SFCC Governing Board approved: 10/23/08
Revised and SFCC Governing Board approved: 6/24/10
Approved by GROW Santa Fe Community College Foundation: 6/8/10
Revised and SFCC Governing Board approved: 7/29/10
Revised and SFCC Governing Board approved: 9/16/14
Revised and SFCC Governing Board approved: 12/4/18