- The detailed description of SFCC’s system of faculty evaluation, including all forms and deadlines, is attached to this regulation and is published in full in the Employee Handbook.
- Unless identified major weaknesses are documented, a full-time faculty member is assumed to be maintaining a satisfactory level of performance consistent with the standard of excellence established by other faculty in the required areas of responsibility: instruction, service, and professional
- Every course, whether taught by regular, adjunct, or part-time faculty, is evaluated each
Since the college presents itself as a “learning institution”—that is, we aver that, in return for tax support and for payment from individuals, we will help students learn—the major factor to be assessed in the evaluation of faculty is: Did the students learn (that is, did most of the students, most of the time, learn most of what we promised they would learn)?
Consequently, any evaluation of teaching effectiveness must include as its major component a set of empirical measures of student outcomes that document that our students did indeed learn what we promised they would learn.
Updated: 9/19/03
CM/FRV 9-18-01
Policy 4-37 Page 1 of 1