Policy Overview
This policy establishes and describes the ways in which students currently attending secondary schools will be admitted to Santa Fe Community College (SFCC or College).
Scope and Applicability
This policy applies to all students seeking admission to SFCC who are also currently enrolled in a secondary school or are home-school students.
Policy Statement
Secondary-school students shall be permitted to enroll for credit courses at the College under either the State-mandated Dual Credit program or SFCC Policy 2-20 Admission to Santa Fe Community College as concurrently enrolled students.
- Concurrent Enrollment Enrollment of high school students in courses at the postsecondary level that are not designated as dual credit. This includes courses not listed within the dual credit master agreement between the eligible local education agencies (LEAs) and postsecondary institution or students who do not currently attend eligible LEAs. Students who are concurrently enrolled may also be enrolled in the dual credit program if they meet eligibility requirements as specified in 6.30.7 NMAC.
- Dual Credit Enrollment State-mandated program that allows high school students to enroll in college-level courses offered by a postsecondary institution that may be academic or career technical but not remedial or developmental, and simultaneously to earn credit toward high school graduation and a postsecondary degree or certificate. Students who are concurrently enrolled may also be enrolled in the dual credit program if they meet eligibility requirements as specified in 6.30.7 NMAC.
- Local Education Agency (LEA) A district as defined in NMAC (a public school district, a state-chartered charter school or a state educational institution), or a bureau of Indian education-funded high school. In 2015, with the passage of NM Senate Bill 158, the definition expanded to include private schools and the families of home-schooled students who register with the Public Education Department and whose students are issued NM Student Teacher Accountability Reporting System (STARS) identification numbers.
Policy Process
A. To register for the Dual Credit program, students must meet eligibility requirements as specified by New Mexico Administrative Code 6.30.7 including but not limited to:
1. Attending an eligible Local Education Agency;
2. Registering for a course on the Approved Dual Credit Course List;
3. Being recommended by a high school representative, and;
4. Presenting all appropriate forms and signatures.
B. These students work through the Office of Dual Credit for the purposes of registration. Per the Statewide Dual Credit Master Agreement, SFCC waives tuition for these students, the high school is responsible for their text books and course specific materials, and the student is responsible for any course specific fees.
C. Students who do not currently attend an eligible Local Education Agency; or wish to register for a course not on the Approved Dual Credit Course List and wish to enroll at SFCC will be considered Concurrent Enrollment students.
- These students must follow the admissions policy outlined in SFCC Policy 2-20 Admission to Santa Fe Community College.
- These students work directly with the Welcome and Advising Center for the purposes of registration.
- Concurrent Enrollment Students are responsible for tuition, text book and material costs as well as course-specific fees.
Statement of Accountability and Responsibility
The President, through the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, shall be responsible for enforcing admissions procedures and policies. The Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee shall work with the different departments and offices to comply with this policy and to develop procedures that will enforce this policy regarding awareness, prevention and remediation.
NMSA 1978 21-1-1.2 Dual Credit for High School and Post-Secondary Classes
New Mexico Administrative Code (Public Education Department) 6.30.7 Primary and Secondary Education, Educational Standards-General Requirements Dual Credit
New Mexico Administrative Code Primary and Secondary Education, Standards for Excellence, General Provisions
SFCC Policy 2-20 Admission to Santa Fe Community College
Governing Board Approved: 1/15/02
Revised and Governing Board Approved: 5/21/13
Revised and Governing Board Approved: 8/24/16