
5-5: Key Distribution and Control

Policy Overview

This policy establishes the control, distribution, and tracking requirements for all keys to all Santa Fe Community College (SFCC or College) facilities to ensure appropriate access and security.

Scope and Applicability

The policy provides security for the College community by outlining the processes for the control, use, and possession of keys and access cards. This policy applies to all employees and others designated to have access to areas requiring a key.

Policy Statement

SFCC is committed to providing a safe teaching and learning environment. Issuing and controlling the distribution and return of keys and access cards play an important role in securing campus facilities.


  1. Employee is any member of the college workforce: all staff (regular full-time, regular part-time, term, temporary, probationary, sensitive position); all student employees; all faculty (full-time, part-time, adjunct, probationary); all administrators, including interim; all contract employees.
  2. Keys refers to all facility and/or building keys and access cards.

Policy Process

  1. In order to obtain a key or access card, written approval from the appropriate department head is required.
  2. The Chief Information Officer or designee shall approve all requests for keys and access cards to College data centers and network closets.
  3. Access to facilities, buildings, College-owned or -operated space is limited to those presenting completed and signed forms.
  4. The control and issue of facility keys and access cards is the responsibility of Facilities and Operations under the supervision of the Financial Services Department. Employees shall report all lost or stolen facility keys immediately to their supervisor and to Facilities and Operations.
  5. Employees may not transfer keys or access cards to another person. If an individual no longer requires a key, they shall notify their supervisor and return the key to Facilities and Operations.
  6. Any duplication or copying of any College keys, except through Facilities and Operations, is prohibited.
  7. The College shall reserve the right to require the return of keys at any time. When requested, keys must be returned within 24 hours.
  8. When an employee separates from employment at SFCC, all keys issued to that employee must be returned to the Office of Human Resources. In the case of failure to return:
    1. If an employee has lost a key(s), they shall be required to pay the appropriate fee.
    2. If an employee leaves the College without returning key(s), the College shall take appropriate steps to request return of the key(s) and payment of related fee.
  9. Any violation of this policy shall result in appropriate disciplinary action (SFCC Policy 4-2 Employee Corrective Action and Disciplinary Action).

Statement of Accountability and Responsibility

The President, through the Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer, Facilities and Operations Office, Campus Safety and Security, and the Office of Human Resources shall be responsible for enforcing facilities policies and procedures. The Financial Services Department shall work with the different departments and offices to comply with this policy and to develop procedures that will enforce this policy regarding awareness, prevention and remediation.


SFCC Policy 4-2 Employee Corrective Action and Disciplinary Action
SFCC Policy 7-1 Information Technology Resources, Usage and Security


SFCC Governing Board approved: 6/27/2002
Revised and Governing Board approved: 5/25/2016
Revised and Governing Board approved: 3/23/2022

Associated Procedures