- When a campus space or office is to be vacated, the supervisor of that area must notify the Director of Facilities or designee as soon as possible using the appropriate form (Renovation/Furniture Request and/or a Relocation Request). For safety reasons, only Facilities and Operations staff may coordinate and move campus furniture. Requests for rearranging or moving furniture requires a 48-hour notice and must have proper written prior approval to conform with the Facilities and Operations ticketing system.
- Requests for remodeling, rearrangement or change in function of any campus space, office or classroom must be endorsed by the supervising Dean or Executive Team member and approved by the Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer or the Director of Facilities. Relocation Request forms are located on MySFCC. All Relocation Request forms shall be signed by the appropriate Executive Team Member and Facilities and Operations staff.
- Renovation and relocation requests shall meet a three-year sustainable timeframe and address the College’s sustainability commitment to maximize College resources.
- A request does not imply acceptance nor guarantee a 48-hour turnaround. A request simply starts the process. Renovations require Executive Team member approval and schedule/scope will be determined based upon the details of the request. A funding source for all renovations must be identified and approved by an Executive Team member.
- The Director of Facilities monitors all space, office and classroom usage on a routine basis and has the prerogative to reassign and reconfigure spaces to insure all OHSA, construction, safety and fire codes are followed as well as to determine whether modifications of spaces are necessary and appropriate and in accordance with New Mexico Higher Education Department codes.
- Classroom capacity and furnishing shall be coordinated with the Registrar and in conjunction with the facilities space allocation reported to the state on an annual basis.
- All requests must align the with the College’s Strategic Plan and Master Plan.
- Temporary modifications of facility space functions for special events need to follow the same approval and evaluation process as for permanent modifications.
- All donations must be approved by SFCC Foundation.
- Responsibility of waste remains with the originator. Facilities and Operations staff will facilitate the disposal under the directions of the Safety and Security Office. All disposal of College property requests must be submitted to General Services using the Transfer/Disposal/Missing Document Form along with the item(s). General Services will dispose of items according to state regulations.
- Facilities and Operations staff work schedules are arranged so the employee’s duties and responsibilities can be accomplished in a normal 40-hour work week.
- Facilities will function in conjunction with the Emergency Management Plan.
Contact: Nick Telles, Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer
505-428-1161, nick.telles@sfcc.edu
Dobby Schmidt, Director of Facilities
505-428-1226, dobby.schmidt@sfcc.edu
Updated: 6/25/2018