
5-4: Facilities Allocation, Use and Management

Policy Overview

This policy governs the internal and external, short- and long-term use, allocation, and management of facilities at Santa Fe Community College (SFCC or College). All facilities and grounds shall be used primarily in support of the College’s educational mission and purposes.

Scope and Applicability

This policy applies to all students, student organizations, employees and public use of facilities for short- and long-term use. It applies to all general allocation of space on campus, e.g., offices, general-purpose areas, laboratories, classrooms and grounds. For rental space on campus, refer to 8-2 Space Rental, Political Activity, Solicitation and Vending on Campus.

Policy Statement

The President along with the Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer and the  Director of Facilities or designee, with input from other departments, shall be responsible for determining the appropriate allocation, designation, function, configuration and usage of space and facilities (including equipment and furnishings) on campus, guided by the College’s Facilities Master Plan. SFCC employees are expected to contribute to efforts to maintain a clean, safe and professional campus environment, and shall not willingly damage College property.

  1. The primary purpose of SFCC facilities is to support the educational mission of the College. As a community service, the College may allow facilities to be available for other uses. The President reserves the right to approve proposed uses.
  2. Any group or organization using College facilities will be held responsible for damage to property during its use of the facilities.
  3. The College will maintain standards for conduct and behavior for all persons accessing and occupying College property, as set forth in its policies and handbooks for students and employees (Policy 2-1 Student Code of Conduct and Policy 4-1 Workplace Ethics and Code of Conduct). These standards apply to all users.
  4. Sale and disposal of equipment, furnishings and public property will be in accordance with New Mexico state statute, as stated in New Mexico State Statute 13-6-1 and 13-6-2.


  1. Facilities Master Plan The Facilities Master Plan is a long-range planning document that seeks to balance the physical and architectural elements of the campus. The Facilities Master Plan documents a strategy to provide the facilities that support the mission, vision and goals of the College. It is developed in alignment with the Strategic Plan and in compliance with Higher Education Department requirements (NM Statutes 5.100.2; NM 5.39; and 5.3.10). The plans identify and prioritize campus improvement projects that will contribute to the implementation of the College and State strategic plans, including renovation, modernization, conversion, expansion and new construction.
  2. Long-Term Use Allocation of space for the duration of an academic semester or longer.
  3. Relocation Adjusting or reallocating furniture in support of occupants moving into an area.
  4. Renovation Physically improving the permanent components of a space, such as reconfiguring walls or providing new furnishings.
  5. Repurposing Changing the use of an area from one purpose to another, such as office to classroom.
  6. Short-Term Use Allocation of space for duration of a few days and less than an academic semester.
  7. Special Event A cultural, sporting, business or other type of unique activity occurring for a limited or fixed duration, (one time, annual).

Policy Process

  1. The Director of Facilities is responsible for management of facilities, both in terms of physical upkeep and space allocation. In order to facilitate the allocation of space, the proper procedures and notification must be followed before occupancy may take place.
  2. At the beginning of every semester, the scheduling of classrooms and appropriate furnishings in conjunction with the Registrar will be validated in accordance with current carrying capacity requirements. The classroom capacity requirement will be posted in each classroom.
  3. All relocations require prior documented approval from the appropriate Executive Team member and Facilities and Operations staff.
  4. All renovations and furniture requests require prior documented approval from the appropriate Executive Team member and Facilities and Operations staff.
  5. Without jeopardizing the College’s educational use of facilities, the College may enter into Joint Powers Agreements or other similar reciprocal arrangements with external parties that allow external parties defined use of facilities in exchange for rent, in-kind donations or services, or fundraising events that benefit the College.

Statement of Accountability and Responsibility

The President, through the Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer and the Director of Facilities and the Facilities and Operations Office, shall be responsible for enforcing facilities allocation, use and management policies and procedures. The Facilities and Operations Office shall work with the different departments and offices to comply with this policy and to develop procedures that will enforce this policy regarding awareness, prevention, and remediation.


New Mexico State Statute 5-3-9 and 5.3.10
New Mexico State Statute 13-6-1 and 13-6-2
SFCC Policy 2-1 Student Code of Conduct
SFCC Policy 4-1 Workplace Ethics and Code of Conduct
SFCC Policy 8-2 Space Rental, Political Activity, Solicitation and Vending on Campus
SFCC Facilities Master Plan


SFCC Governing Board: 6/27/02
Revised and Governing Board Approved: 8/7/03
Revised and Governing Board approved: 5/25/16
Revised and Governing Board approved: 4/25/18

Associated Procedures