
2-9: Children on Campus Policy

Policy Overview

This policy is to ensure that current and prospective student parents and their children are welcome at Santa Fe Community College (SFCC or College) and to support their college success by providing guidelines when bringing children to SFCC property.

Scope and Applicability

This policy outlines the guidelines for welcoming children under 12 to SFCC. This policy applies to and supports all current or prospective student parents. This policy does not apply to children under the care of Kids Campus or children who are students of The MASTERS Program.

Policy Statement

The College is committed to working with student parents and guardians of children who may be faced with challenges that could impact their ability to achieve their educational goals. SFCC recognizes that current and prospective student parents have many responsibilities in their lives, including the responsibility of caring for children. SFCC is dedicated to fostering a positive relationship with families by maintaining family friendly spaces and hosting family friendly events.


  1. Child(ren) is a person under the age of 12.
  2. College Campus refers to the buildings, facilities, grounds, and properties owned or leased by SFCC.
  3. Employee is any member of the college workforce: all staff (regular full-time, regular part-time, term, temporary, probationary, sensitive position); all student employees; all faculty (full-time, part-time, adjunct, probationary); all administrators, including interim; all contract employees.
  4. Guardian is a person granted legal custody of a minor who is not the person’s own biological child.
  5. Minor is a person under the age of 18.
  6. Student refers to anyone enrolled at the College, including, but not limited to students taking credit, noncredit, continuing education, adult education, dual credit, workforce or contract training classes. Enrolled students under the age of 18 are not considered minors or children.
  7. Student Parent for the purpose of this policy, are those who are the primary caretakers of a school-aged child under 12, including a foster or adoptive parent or Guardian, while concurrently enrolled at the College.

Policy Process

  1. Children who are supervised by a parent, guardian, caregiver, or other responsible adult are welcome to visit the College campus, accompany the student parent to college-related appointments, and attend age-appropriate events.
  2. No student, guardian, caregiver, visitor to the College campus, or other responsible adult shall leave a child unattended or unsupervised at any time in College buildings, on College grounds, or in personal vehicles.
  3. A child shall not be left with a College employee unless that child is enrolled in an authorized program of the College.
  4. The College does not supervise children or minors outside of officially sanctioned programs and neither the College nor its employees or students may accept responsibility to do so on behalf of the College.
  5. Student parents and prospective student parents are responsible for the behavior and safety of their children while on the College campus and for ensuring they do not disrupt the educational setting or impede others who are studying, working, or conducting official business. Line of sight supervision of children by the parent or accompanying adult is required at all times.
  6. Students, employees, and visitors to the College campus may not take photos of children without permission from the parent or guardian.
  7. The College retains the right to revoke child or minor visitation on the College campus at any time.
  8. All minors must adhere to SFCC policies.
  9. Students who violate any provision of this policy may be subject to discipline and removal from campus or a College program (SFCC Policy 2-2 Student Corrective Action and Disciplinary Action).

Statement of Accountability and Responsibility

The President, through the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, shall be responsible for enforcing academic and student policies and procedures. The Office of Academic and Student Affairs shall work with the different departments and offices to comply with this policy and to develop procedures that will enforce this policy regarding awareness, prevention, and remediation.


SFCC Policy 2-1 Student Code of Conduct
SFCC Policy 2-2 Student Corrective Action and Disciplinary Action
Student Handbook


SFCC Governing Board approved: 12/4/2024