
2-26: Academic Calendar Development – Procedures

These procedures describe the steps that need to be taken to keep the academic calendar up to date and available to students, faculty, staff and the public.

  • Tentative academic calendars are proposed and available two years out from the current year.
  • During the first week of October, the Registrar takes the tentative calendar for the upcoming year to review and makes revisions as needed.
  • The Registrar presents this academic calendar to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs for review and approval.
  • Once approved by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, the proposed calendar is presented to the Executive Team for input and approval, working to have it approved before December 1.
  • Upon approval by the Executive Team the updated calendar is posted in the College catalog, class schedules and on the website.
  • The Registrar then develops the next tentative academic calendar for two years out, presents it to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, upon their approval, posts it online.

Contact:        Bernadette Gonzales, Registrar

Updated:        03/31/2017

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