Policy Overview
This policy describes the process for establishing academic advisory committees for instructional programs at Santa Fe Community College (SFCC or College) and defines their functions. Academic advisory committees serve as a community outreach mechanism that are of significant value to defining and implementing the mission of the College.
Scope and Applicability
This policy addresses all academic advisory committees and applies to all of their members.
Policy Statement
SFCC is committed to creating an academic experience that provides students the tools to succeed. Academic advisory committees contribute to student success by facilitating employer-faculty relationships toward the development of relevant and meaningful credit educational programming. SFCC establishes academic advisory committees to solicit guidance and advice regarding curricula from community members and industry employers. Academic advisory committees provide expertise to inform and strengthen academic college programs.
- Academic Advisory Committees provide guidance and advice on program design, delivery and outcomes consistent with the College’s mission.
- Ex Officio means by virtue or because of an office; for the purpose of this policy it refers to the status of faculty members who may serve on an academic advisory committee but who are not voting members.
- Special Service Groups include those individuals who possess skills such as being bilingual, having technical expertise, having social services experience and/or working with youth, the homeless or other unique populations.
Policy Process
- Academic Advisory Committee Membership and Terms
- The College shall establish academic advisory committees for workforce-, community- and industry-oriented programs.
- The Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs may establish academic advisory committees for degree programs, curricula or special service groups.
- The President, upon recommendation of the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, in consultation with the Dean and/or Associate Dean, and relevant faculty or staff members, shall appoint members to academic advisory committees.
- Academic advisory committees shall meet a minimum of twice each academic year.
- The Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and the Deans shall be responsible for oversight of their respective academic advisory committees.
- Appointments of new academic advisory committee members may be made at any time.
- An academic advisory committee chair may recommend prospective committee members to the Program Lead or Dean. A retiring committee member may recommend but not designate their replacement.
- Annual reappointments shall be submitted to the Dean for review by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs by April 30.
- External academic advisory committee members are volunteers, serve at the pleasure of the College and are not compensated by the College.
- College employees may only serve as ex officio (non-voting) members and may serve as observers, staff, or resource persons to academic advisory committees.
- The President shall disband academic advisory committees upon recommendation of the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, in consultation with the Dean and/or Associate Dean, and relevant faculty or staff members.
- Duties of Academic Advisory Committee Members
Academic Advisory Committee members shall:- Serve as communication links between the College and the community and between the College and professional, occupational and special service groups;
- Identify specific skills and provide suggestions concerning technical information, equipment, and facilities necessary to assure College academic programs are relevant and up to date with current industry standards;
- Keep the College informed about changes in the economy and labor market, including specific workforces needs and surpluses;
- Assess program and service needs from the perspective of the community;
- Assist in developing, evaluating and updating curricula;
- Assist in recruiting students in collaboration with the College’s recruitment professionals;
- Identify work experience opportunities, apprenticeships and internships for students;
- Refer job opportunities for and help place graduates;
- Identify and refer potential faculty candidates, guest lecturers, speakers and academic advisory committee members to the College, in accordance with SFCC Policy 4-32 Hiring.
- Connect the College to community resources that may support or contribute to the success of programs and services;
- Acquaint the community with available College resources and the College with Community needs.
- Suggest ways and means to maintain the College’s positive public image and foster community relations.
Statement of Accountability and Responsibility
The President, through the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and the Office of Academic and Student Affairs, shall be responsible for enforcing academic policies and procedures. The Office of Academic and Student Affairs shall work with the different departments and offices to comply with this policy and develop procedures that will enforce this policy regarding awareness, prevention and remediation.
SFCC Governing Board approved: 8/8/03
Revised and Governing Board approved: 3/25/04
Revised and Governing Board approved: 4/25/2018