Dawn Wink joined SFCC full-time in 2007 and has taught all courses within the Teacher Academy program. She currently teaches Orientation to the Teaching Profession, The Critically Reflective Teacher, and Supervised Field Experience. Dawn received a BA in International Relations, Spanish, and German at the University of California/Davis, living and studying in Spain and Germany. Her academic honors include Dean’s List of Honor Students, Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society, and Phi Alpha Theta International Honor Society.
Dawn received her MA in Bilingual and Cross-cultural Leadership from California State University/Sacramento. Dawn’s specific areas of interest include linguistic human rights and bilingual education. Her first book, Teaching Passionately: What’s Love Got To Do With It?, co-written with Joan Wink, was published in 2004 (Pearson), and her essays and articles have appeared in journals and magazines. Dawn presents regularly on Education, Creative Writing, and the Southwest. Dawn enjoys being with her family, running, reading, and making bouquets from her flower gardens. Visit Dawn’s blog, Dewdrops, for stories and insights.