President’s Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee (PEDAC)


Mission Statement

The SFCC PEDAC acknowledges the rich diversity of the community we serve. The PEDAC will develop, implement, and measure activities in support of achieving diversity goals. 


The Santa Fe Community College Board and SFCC’s president have expressed a strong commitment to diversity at SFCC. To empower this commitment the President’s Equity and Diversity Task Force was formed in spring 2007.  In 2008 this group became permanent and the name was changed to the President’s Diversity Advisory Committee. In Fall 2024 the group’s name was changed to the President’s Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee.  The committee is comprised of staff, faculty, and students who advocate for inclusiveness and equity for every member of the campus community. View the Equity FAQ here.

SFCC Governing Board Diversity Policy 1-24:

The Santa Fe Community College Governing Board is committed to achieving diversity on campus that reflects the diversity of the community that we serve. Principles of diversity will guide teaching and learning and will influence all programs and activities of the college, including outreach, curriculum, hiring, communications, policy direction, partnership and student support. Diversity reflects the core value of the college to serve all student population regardless of race, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental handicap or disability, serious medical condition, veteran’s status or spousal affiliation.

Strategic Priority: Commit to Equity and Diversity of Students, Faculty and Staff

Because the college strives both to reflect the diversity of its community and celebrate its value we commit to actively promoting equity diversity in all its aspects in our enrollment, hiring, and professional development practices.


Vetted and Approved September 11, 2024 by PEDAC Membership and Dr. Rowley, PEDAC is governed by our By-Laws as aligned with the SFCC’s Mission, Vision, Strategic Goals, Equity Statement, and SFCC Governing Board Diversity Policy 1-24View the By-Laws.

PEDAC Funding Application

The President’s Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee has created this application so that you may request up to $400 for a diversity-related event at SFCC. Download application. The funding request must be received by appropriate PEDAC officers at least 2 weeks prior to the next scheduled PEDAC meeting. Funding is subject to availability of funds and following the funding criteria.

2023-2024 PEDAC Diversity Calendar

PEDAC’s Diversity Calendar is a valuable resource that highlights and celebrates cultures, events, and important milestones throughout the year. Discover a wealth of information on various cultural observances, awareness campaigns, and significant dates that contribute to the collective understanding of diversity.

Please feel free to share the calendar with your colleagues, friends, and network to spread awareness and promote a more inclusive community. View the Diversity Calendar here.


The PEDAC established following diversity goals for Santa Fe Community College.

  • Goal 1: Recruitment and Retention: Acknowledge that students come first. Increase diversity in student retention that reflects diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • Goal 2: Curriculum and Assessment: Expand initiatives to develop, implement and revitalize curriculum, pedagogy, policy and assessment to reflect equitable opportunities for learning.
  • Goal 3: Hiring Practices: Increase diversity among faculty, staff and administrators to reflect our community.
  • Goal 4: Increase Community Partnerships: Improve and increase partnerships and workforce development within our diverse community.
  • Goal 5: Campus Climate: Continue to sustain a campus where sensitivity and respect are demonstrated.
  • Goal 6: Communication: Acknowledge and promote diversity.

President’s Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee


Marcos Maez
sj Miller


John Arellano • 505-428-1269 • 
Toni Coffman • 505-428.1029 •
Emily Drabanski • 505-428-1607 • 
Mary Eleas • 505-428-1582 • 
Kimberly Hopkins • 505-428-1039 •
Marcos Maez • 505-428-1779 • 
sj Miller • 505-428-1610 • 
Aamna Nayyar • 505-428-1258 •
Valerie Nye • 505-428-1506 • 
Victoria Schweizer • 505-428-1009 •
Shane Tolbert • 505-428-1037 •
Brigit (Brigida) Trujillo •
Kelly Trujillo • 505-428-1769 •
Annika Vorhes • 505-428-1018 •

Meeting Schedule:

  • First Monday of each month (unless notified)
  • Location: President’s Conference Room (unless notified)
  • Time: 2:00 pm-3:30 pm (unless notified)