Family-Friendly Campus Spaces


SFCC Interactive Family Map

Our Family-Friendly Campus Map is here to help you navigate your way around campus! Click on the categories to find the exact location of resources for parents or caregivers, from lactation rooms to pregnancy parking to child friendly spaces and more.

SFCC Library Family Study Room

The SFCC Library Family Study Room is available to SFCC students caring for children. The room has a play space for children including toys, books, and child-sized furniture. Desks and computers are available for adults or older children to study. Playaway tablets preloaded with educational games and children’s books can also be checked out at the library circulation desk.

Lactation Rooms

Lactation rooms are available in three locations. Room 439 in the Health Sciences wing and Room 16 at Kids Campus are open any time the buildings are open. Room 204H in the Student Affairs office area is open Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm, when the Student Affairs office is open.

The Campus Cupboard Food Pantry

The Campus Cupboard Food Pantry is an on-campus resource providing food, as well as some basic toiletry and baby items, to anyone in the SFCC Community. Children are welcome to visit the Campus Cupboard with a parent or caregiver. Visit the Campus Cupboard website for contact information or to schedule an appointment.

The Exchange

“The Exchange,” SFCC’s free clothing closet, is located next to the Campus Cupboard. There are clothing items for children from 0 to 4 years of age, as well as casual and professional clothing for adults and teens. It’s located in LL304A. For information call: 505-428-1179 or email:

Student Affairs Office

Enjoy the children’s corner in the Student Affairs office while you wait for your meeting with an advisor, career services, or financial aid or borrow a toy from the bookshelf during your meeting with Student Affairs staff. The children’s corner is in the Student Affairs office waiting area next to the financial aid offices.

Tutoring Center

The Tutoring Center welcomes your children to join you for your tutoring session. While you get help with your coursework, your children can play with a variety of toys, puzzles, and books. You can also check out a Playaway tablet preloaded with children’s educational games for them to use during your visit.

Student Services Hallway

Enjoy children’s seating and a variety of children’s books in the student services/main entrance hallway at SFCC. This is a great place to stop in with kids before or after an on-campus appointment or event to enjoy an impromptu story time.

TRIO Program

TRIO is a federally funded program for SFCC students, designed to increase retention and graduation rates through services like academic coaching, tutoring, workshops, and social events. The TRIO office also has a study space. Bring your kids anytime you visit TRIO to enjoy a fun kid’s corner, while you study, get tutoring, or meet with TRIO staff.