Youth Ally: A person who acts in partnership with young people, but does not identify as a juvenile. A youth ally grows out of cultural, social, and institutional relationships, partnerships, and mentoring. An ally of youth is a person who supports and stands up for the rights and the dignity of the youth, especially when young people are not present or otherwise capable of representing themselves.
Aliado/Aliada a los jóvenes: Una persona que actúa en colaboración con los jóvenes, pero que no se identifica como un menor. Un aliado juvenil surge de las relaciones culturales, sociales e institucionales, las colaboraciones y el mentoreo. Un aliado de la juventud es una persona que apoya y defiende los derechos y la dignidad de la juventud, especialmente cuando los jóvenes no estén presentes o no sean capaces de representarse a sí mismos.
Fuente: adaptado de
The word of the week is brought to you by the Center for Diversity and Integrated Learning. To learn more about CDIL’s mission, contact Emily Stern, ext. 1467.