
¡Palabra!: Pansexual

Pansexual people are people whose primary romantic, emotional, physical, and sexual attractions and connections can be with some members of all sexes and genders to varying degrees (though not necessarily at the same time).

The term is used to describe people of all sexes and genders. Source:

Pansexuales son personas cuya conexión o atracción principal física, romántica, emocional, y/o sexual se puede dar con miembros de diversos sexos y géneros en diferentes grados (aunque no necesariamente al mismo tiempo).

El término se utiliza para describir a personas de todos los sexos y géneros. Fuente:

The word of the week is brought to you by the Center for Diversity and Integrated Learning. To learn more about CDIL’s mission, contact Emily Stern, ext. 1467.

