Hijab: Arabic word meaning “cover.” While hijab is commonly associated with women, Muslim men also sometimes wear a head covering as a means of showing modesty. Additionally, Christian and Jewish women in some traditions wear a headscarf as a cultural practice or commitment to modesty or piety. Source: Language Justice Network
Hijab o Velo Islámico: Palabra árabe que significa “cubrir”. Aunque el hijab es comunmente asociado con mujeres, hombres musulmanes también lo visten en la cabeza como símbolo de modestidad. En algunas tradiciones judias y cristianas, mujeres usan velo como practica cultural o compromise hacia la modestidad y la devoción. Fuente: Language Justice Network
The word of the week is brought to you by the Center for Diversity and Integrated Learning. To learn more about CDIL’s mission, contact Emily Stern, ext. 1467.