Are my teams and zoom meetings available to anyone and everyone?
As meetings are not recorded by default, someone would need an invitation to have access to your meeting. Security Best practices are important to ensure that only those you want in your meetings may attend. In general avoiding placing meeting invitations in public platforms, such as Facebook.
Microsoft Teams Meeting Best Practices
- Use unique meeting IDs and link for each session or meeting. Repeat meetings with the same link are a security risk as these links may be shared or compromised.
- Use the Lobby to ensure guests and participants are people you want in your meeting.
- Differentiate between presenters and attendees, particularly when working with students, guest, and during large meetings. the chat features and
- Be prepared to mute participants
- Be prepared to remove participants
Who has access to Microsoft Teams at SFCC?
Employees, Students, and Governing Board Members are all granted licensing for Microsoft Teams. Guests may be granted access to a Team and invited to meetings.
Who is able to create Teams at SFCC?
Only Employees may create and manage teams.
Are Microsoft Teams Meetings automatically recorded?
No, by default, recording is turned off. A Presenter or Owner of the meeting would need to start recording. See this link for more information about meeting roles.
Who can turn on recording in a Teams meeting?
By default, the organizer, presenters, and attendees may turn on recording. You may edit these defaults by clicking on Meeting Options and setting “who can present” to specific people or only me. Anyone meeting with students, guests or large groups should consider adjusting the meeting options to setup students only as attendees. See link below for instructions.
Where are the Teams recordings stored?
Microsoft Stream is where all meeting recordings are stored. The recording will be saved in the account of the person who started the recording. Stream is available in the Office 365 link on the portal or an APP within TEAMS. The recording will also be accessible in the chat for any meeting or team.
Who has access to Teams meetings recordings?
All attendees or team members may view the recording after a meeting is over within chat and on the Teams Meeting age. Only the recording owner may share, change permissions, or download the meeting recording. Guests do not have access to recordings. An individual’s Stream account is only accessible by that person. Anyone not present in the meeting will not be able to access to recording.
Who can attend TEAMS meetings?
In general, only those with the link and security access may attend. OIT has enabled the waiting lobby for guests and those who dial-in. Use the meeting options (see link below) to adjust these settings. If you are concerned about guests, you may request that they identify themselves or remove them from the meeting.
Should I share meeting recordings?
Internal documents are the property of SFCC. Sharing of files is the file owner’s responsibility and should be considered prior to sending via email or through any other sharing mechanism. Any sharing of information must be compliant with FERPA, copyright, relevant laws, and all SFCC policies. End users should consult with their manager to determine a proper method for managing, storing, disposing of, or transmitting any documents. Managers and individuals may consult with OIT to determine the technology for sharing documents.
Who is allowed to monitor or access my zoom or Teams activity?
Only appropriate OIT employees are allowed to review logs and traffic. Here is a segment of Policy 7-1 outlining OIT’s privacy and monitoring policy statement.
Policy 7-1 Section: Privacy and Monitoring
- While respecting user privacy and academic freedom to the fullest extent possible, SFCC reserves the right to monitor and examine any network traffic or data for the following purposes which include, but are not limited to:
- Enforcing policies against discrimination, harassment and threats to the safety of individuals (policy 4-9 Discrimination and Harassment and Policy 4-10 Sexual Harassment);
- Protecting against or limiting damage to information technology resources
- complying with a court order, subpoena or other legally enforceable discovery request (Policy 8-6 Public Information/Notices and News Media Contacts);
- Upgrading or maintaining information technology resources;
- In response to a notification, investigating and preventing the posting of proprietary software or electronic copies of texts, data, media or images in potential violation of copyright, licenses or other contractual and legal obligations or in violation of law.
- Issues outlined, in Policy 4-4 Fraud, Waste and Abuse.
- OIT employees and individuals authorized by OIT, are the only groups allowed to utilize monitoring and log capturing tools to examine traffic on information technology resources.
Here are explanations of some (not exhaustive) of the ways monitoring, log review, or review of documents may occur:
- In the course of investigating employee conduct, requests for access to employee files or logs must be provided in writing from the Director of Human Resources.
- In the course of investigating student conduct, requests for access to student files or logs must be provided in writing from the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.
- IPRA requests are the realm of the Marketing office. These requests are provided by Marketing and Legal counsel in writing to OIT. See Policy 8-3 Inspection of Public Records for additional information.
- The Office of Information Technology engages in proactive monitoring to ensure the proper functioning of tools and services and for the preservation of security logs for future review. Occasionally, this work leads us to problems related to individual accounts or user activity. The resulting actions depend on the nature of the activity. OIT may simply contact the end user to resolve the issue, but if the intent seems malicious OIT may report to HR or the Behavioral Intervention Team as appropriate.