Congratulations to the SFCC Department of Nursing Education Class of 2018!
“Two of our dual enrolled students were part of UNM’s top 10% of the graduating class for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Pre-Licensure Option,” Terri Tewart reported. “They are Cheryl Haskin and Ursula Kirkpatrick. This group is the first graduating class we share with UNM. They were a dynamic group that was excellent at advocating for one another and themselves.”
Mariah Lucero-Barner
ASN Students:
Miranda Ahlgrim
Johnny Bowles
Peter Flores
Holly Ford
Lauren Schweizer
BSN Students:
Christina Baca
Daniel Beckwith
Sarah Flori
Kristen Galbreath
Cynthia Gonzalez
Cheryl Haskin
Gabriela Jaramillo
Rachel Joyce
Jennica Kilbride
Akara Kirkpatrick
Mariah Lucero-Barner
Candace Markey
Allison Monson
Chelsea Munson
Corrie Salas
Yolanda Soler Gutierrez
Sarah Tombolesi
Dolma Yangzom
Allison Yates