Build that wall
So high
So glorious
Build that wall
That wall
Best wall ever
Strongest wall
Tallest wall
Most beautiful wall
Build that wall
Like an arrow
Shot from sea
To shining sea
Build that wall
Like a river
Flowing freely, easily
Over tall mountains
Through deep canyons
Cutting through
The long expanse
Of desert lands
Build it tall and strong
Build it true
Make us proud
Make sure no one
Can break it
Climb it
Tunnel underneath
Make sure no one
Could fly
Make sure
Make sure
Make sure
Are safe
Build that wall so high
it blocks the jaguars
The coyotes
The fox
The scorpions
The rattlesnakes
The lizards
The hawks
And javelinas
Make sure it blocks
The deer
And the doves
the hummingbirds
The owls and the
Make sure it blocks
The Tarahumara
The Yaqui
The Huicholes
The Tohono O’odham
The Dine
The Apache
The Hopi
The Mayans
The Aztecas
Make sure it
Blocks the children
And their mothers too
Build that wall so high
It blocks out the wind
That it covers the sun
And blackens the sky
Build the wall