SFCC responds to crisis, moves online

SGA President Ian Martinez, ready to distribute food to students
In response to the COVID-19 health emergency, SFCC closed the main campus and the Santa Fe Higher Education Center after spring break, but student success remained front and center.
President Becky Rowley, Ph.D., emphasized that SFCC is here to assist students during this challenging time. The college responded quickly to transition in-person classes to online platforms and support students adjusting to the new learning format.
To help the campus community access current coronavirus information and resources, SFCC created a COVID-19 site and the SFCC – In This Together Facebook page. The Office of Information Technology and the SFCC Library immediately began lending out laptops to students, faculty and staff, and increased the number of wi-fi hotspots in campus parking lots and elsewhere. Staff reached out to students to offer assistance with advising, tutoring, and counseling – all of which are available online. To ensure student concerns were being addressed, President Rowley and Student Government Association President Ian Widrick Martinez hosted a virtual meeting with students. Registration continues for the summer and fall semesters; all summer classes will be online. Those requiring assistance may contact the Welcome and Advising Center at wac@sfcc.edu or 505-428-1270.