Ensuring Safety in the Pandemic
Although we had hoped to welcome everyone back to campus this fall, circumstances required us to keep the physical campus closed and with very few exceptions move most classes online. As we all are aware, the best way to ensure the safety of our community is to minimize person-to-person contact.
To ensure that we are able to proactively prevent the spread of covid among students, faculty, staff, and visitors, SFCC developed the “SFCC CARES: COVID-19 Readiness Plan.” The plan was designed to continue to balance the educational and health needs of our campus community while offering as many credit and noncredit courses as we are able. You are encouraged to explore our Short-Term, Late-Starting and Continuing Education classes.

We are here for you! SFCC faculty and staff continue to provide support and encouragement to our students as we help them navigate through these challenging times and adjust to the constraints of the pandemic.
For a concise, illustrated guide to the college’s phased Reopening Plan please visit https://www.sfcc.edu/cares/