Santa Fe Community College in partnership with The Institute for American Indian Arts will jointly be conducting Open Houses on Thursday, September 19 at their respective campuses.
Santa Fe Community College Open House
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
6401 Richards Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87508
Institute of American Indian Arts Open House
1 to 5 p.m.
83 Avan Nu Po Road, Santa Fe, N.M. 87508
Come on out to the Southside Education Corridor and visit both schools, which are only 7 minutes apart!
Open House Info
SFCC Open House, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., September 19, 6401 Richards Ave. 505-428-1000.
SFCC is celebrating its 40th Anniversary. SFCC’s Open House runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour art studios and watch demonstrations of jewelry making, bronze pouring and raku firing in the Fine Arts Center. See a steamroller printmaking demonstration in the Courtyard. Shop at the “Garage Sale” offered by Friends of the Arts. Check out demonstrations at the Science on Sphere® Theater and visit with representatives from the Health and Science programs. Sign up for tours of the Greenhouse and get free produce grown at SFCC. Visit the film studio. Enjoy the music by DJ Manny Godsey while eating a free Frito pie. Visit information tables for the various college programs. Stop by the Automotive Technology Center and check out the new electrical vehicle trainer. The William C. Witter Fitness Education Center, recently voted for First Place “Best Fitness Classes in Santa Fe” in the Santa Fe Reporter’s Best of Santa Fe, will have free day-passes and class demonstrations from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and again from 5 to 7 p.m.
SFCC invites the public to view three art exhibitions: “Dream Big! The Art of George Rodrigue” in the Visual Arts Gallery, “The Las Vegas Project: Contemporary Life on the Historic Santa Fe Trail in New Mexico,” in the Main Hallway and “Collective Glass: Artists of Santa Fe Community College, Institute of American Indian Arts and Friends of Prairie Dog Glass” in the Dean’s Gallery in the Fine Arts Center. Check out the full schedule of events below or click here.
IAIA, SFCC presidents preview open houses set for Sept. 19 – YouTube
For the third straight year, the Institute of American Indian Arts and Santa Fe Community College will both host open houses on the same day.
IAIA Open House, 1 to 5 p.m., September 19, 83 Avan Nu Po Road. 505-424-2300
IAIA’s open house takes place from 1 to 5 p.m. First, stop by the Dance Circle to hear opening remarks by IAIA President Dr. Robert Martin (Cherokee Nation) at 1 p.m. Attendees can also visit the welcome table to sign up for guided tours of the IAIA campus and participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Mixed-Use Housing Facility for students. Check out numerous demonstrations in the Academic Building’s studios and open studios by artists in our Artist-in-Residence Program. See IAIA’s one-of-a-kind, fully articulating Digital Dome in the Ells Science and Technology Building. Head over to the Performing Arts and Fitness Center to tour IAIA’s gym, fitness center, classrooms, and performance spaces. Connect with nature through IAIA’s Land-Grant Garden and around campus. Enjoy free appetizers and refreshments in the Dance Circle—vegetarian options are available!Look out for more information in the coming weeks as SFCC and IAIA continue to plan these side-by-side, all-ages events. For links to IAIA’s event schedules and updates, and to watch highlights of IAIA’s 2023 Open House, visit https://iaia.edu/openhouse/. For details on SFCC’s Open House visit: https://www.sfcc.edu/iaia-sfcc-open-house-24/.
To register for the event, please fill out the form below:

Many thanks to the SFCC Foundation whose support makes events like this possible.