At SFCC you will find your path to academic and job success. Discover outstanding faculty, excellent programs, affordable tuition and support throughout your journey. Enroll at SFCC to advance your career, complete a certificate or associate degree, or transfer to a four-year institution.
Means working from a remote site, such as a private home, instead of commuting to a designated headquarters. Emphasis is placed on information or communication exchanged through telephones and remote devices such as computers and fax machines to allow an employee to work at a remote workplace. Telecommuting does not include online instruction through a learning management system, instruction done by adjunct instructors, or casual, intermittent work performed by employees to supplement the work they regularly do at an SFCC property.
At SFCC you will find your path to academic and job success. Discover outstanding faculty, excellent programs, affordable tuition and support throughout your journey. Enroll at SFCC to advance your career, complete a certificate or associate degree, or transfer to a four-year institution.