SFCC’ Director of the Center for Innovation Luke Spangenburg chaired a panel on Sept. 10 for the Santa Fe World Forum on “Mitigating Climate Change: Business, Politics and Policy.”
The panel featured Wolfgang Saam, cofounder and managing director of Klimaschutz-Unternehmen, an association of German corporations committed to climate protection; Dr. Christof Stefes, Associate Professor at the University of Colorado, Denver and expert in renewable energy policy; Anton Hufnagel, First Secretary for Climate, Environmental and Urban Affairs at the German Embassy; Washington, DC.
The Santa Fe World Forum presented the forum under auspices of SFCC’s Aquaculture and Hydroponics Club in partnership with Ecological Institute, US; Transatlantic Climate Bridge; and the Santa Fe World Affairs Forum with support of the government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Students and members of the public listened to the panel and then engaged in a discussion on various perspectives on how to mitigate climate change. Many commented that it was interesting to hear how Germany is addressing climate change issues.
The panelists and the public went on a tour of SFCC’s Trades and Technology Center.
Read more about the Santa Fe World Forum program.