SFCC Convocation January 15
SFCC Services will be unavailable Wed., Jan. 15 from 8 -11 a.m. for Convocation.
Services will resume after 11 a.m.
Foundation Scholarships
View the AwardSpring Scholarship software here.
Endowed and Annual Scholarship Funds
Rick and Kathy Abeles Title V Presidential Scholarship
Anonymous Friend Presidential Scholarship
Anonymous Santa Fe Friend Presidential Scholarship
Barker Family Presidential Scholarship
Charles N. Batts Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Bruce and Kate Besser Presidential Scholarship
Amy Biehl Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Sally Bingham Presidential Scholarship
Tracey L. Bliss Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Board of Directors Presidential Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Brown Presidential Scholarship
Harold and Norma Brown Presidential Scholarship
Ellen K. Buchholz Memorial Presidential Endowed Scholarship
Ken and Joy Campbell Presidential Scholarship
Century Bank Presidential Scholarship
Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Culinary Scholarship
Charter Bank Presidential Scholarship
James and Linda Cohen Presidential Scholarship
Jack and Tybie Davis Satin Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Joshua R. Dewbre Memorial Presidential Title V Scholarship
Domanica Foundation Presidential Scholarship
Susan R. Dugan Memorial Presidential Title V Scholarship
John Newton Eddy Presidential Scholarship
Michael Francke Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Garfield Street Foundation Presidential Scholarship
Gil-Men Electric Co. Inc. Presidential Scholarship
Annette Marie Gonzales Memorial Presidential Scholarship
The Gould Family Presidential Scholarship
Drs. Gilda and Norman Greenberg Native American Presidential Scholarship
Randy W. Grissom Presidential Scholarship
Carol and Cowden Henry Presidential Scholarship
Holloway Kersting Family Title V Presidential Scholarship
Patricia Fogelman Lange Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Paul J. Leatherberry Memorial Presidential Scholarship
John Paul LeDoux Memorial Presidential Title V Scholarship
Los Alamos National Bank Presidential Scholarship
Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation Presidential Scholarship
Lauren H. MacDonald Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Adeline Meyer Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Meyer Presidential Scholarship (In honor of William C. Witter)
Dr. James P. and Mrs. Mildred Miller, Sr. Title V Presidential Scholarship
Monta McFadin Zia United Methodist Church Presidential Scholarship
Seth and Peggy Montgomery Presidential Scholarship
Richard A. and M. Yvonne Montoya Presidential Scholarship
Blair Cudd Naylor Presidential Scholarship
NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment Presidential Title V Scholarship
New Mexico Educational Assistance Foundation Presidential Scholarship
Ashlie Nohl Nursing Scholarship
Nusbaum Family Presidential Scholarship
Dr. Sheila Ortego Presidential Scholarship
Lucile June Peters Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Margaret, Annette & Mervin Peters Presidential Tile V Scholarship
David Prescott & Patricia Cloud Presidential Scholarship
Rotary Club of Santa Fe Dale Bullock Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Santa Fe Ad Club Presidential Scholarship
Santa Fe Downtown Kiwanis Presidential Scholarship (In memory of Elizabeth Pilar Melendez)
Santa Fe Garden Club Filley McPheeters Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Santa Fe Garden Club Title V Presidential Scholarship for Aquaponics & Greenhouse Management
Santa Fe Human Rights Alliance LGBTQ Student Presidential Title V Scholarship
Second Mesa of Hopi Land Presidential Scholarship
SFCC Arts and Crafts Presidential Scholarship
SFCC Employee Presidential Scholarship
SFCC Film Studies Presidential Title V Scholarship
Brianna Marin Shields Memorial Presidential Scholarship
William A. Simmons Presidential Title V Scholarship
Lt. Jason Skubi, USN, Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Luke Spangenburg Memorial Presidential Scholarship for Algae and Sustainability Studies
Allen and Martha Lee Stamm Presidential Scholarship
Carolyn Stupin Presidential Title V Scholarship
James and Ada Sullivan Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Doris Goodwin Walbridge Presidential Title V Scholarship
Wells Fargo Bank Presidential Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Witter Presidential Scholarship
Witter-Wilkinson Title V Presidential Scholarship
Dan and Jan Wood Presidential Scholarship
Woods Family Foundation Title V Presidential Endowed Scholarship
Wurzburger Family Presidential Scholarship
¡Adelante! Title V Endowed Scholarship
2015 SFCC Foundation Board of Directors Title V Scholarship
Vanja Aljinovic Memorial Title V Scholarship
American Association of University Women of Santa Fe Title V Scholarship
Kenneth M. Anaya Memorial Scholarship Anonymous Nursing Scholarship
Ruby and Charles Anderson Title V Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Armstrong Scholarship
Bank of America Scholarship
Nell Batts Part-Time Student Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bender Scholarship
Linda and Edward Bennett Part-Time Student Scholarship
BGK Properties Inc. Scholarship
Richard Bradford Memorial Creative Writing Scholarship
Ramona Brandt Part-Time Student Scholarship
Richard and Eleanor P. Brenner Scholarship
Brickner Advised Scholarship Fund at Santa Fe Community Foundation
William and Julia Brogan Scholarship
C. Fred Chambers Memorial Scholarship
Capital City Lions Club in Memory of John Wilson Scholarship
Capitol Ford Marc Brandt Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Gerald Clay Memorial Scholarship
David and Jane Cohen Scholarship
Consolidated Memorial Scholarship
Contract Associates Scholarship
Edna Wise Cooper Memorial Scholarship
Ida May Cowan Memorial Scholarship
Cuddy and McCarthy Scholarship
Jordan P. Davis Scholarship
Jim and Danca Dixon Memorial Scholarship
Charles David Title V Scholarship
William L. Donnelly Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Francis and Margaret Durkin Scholarship
El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe Scholarship
First National Bank of Santa Fe Scholarship
First National Bank of Santa Fe Title V Scholarship
First State Bank Scholarship
Brett James Flower Memorial Scholarship
David T. Fornell Memorial Scholarship
Friends of the Foundation Part-Time Student Scholarship
Angelo Andrew Garcia Memorial Part-Time Scholarship
Greater Santa Fe Restaurant Association Scholarship
Randy Grissom and Frank Renz Title V Scholarship
Stuart Hall Award For English Literature and Creative Writing Studies Scholarship
Siegfried Halus Scholarship
Sandra Herzon and Family Title V Scholarship
Aline Hoban Memorial Scholarship
Honstein Oil Company Scholarship
“I Have a Dream” Foundation Scholarship
Charles E. Lindblom Scholarship
Senator Edward J. Lopez Memorial Scholarship
Los Caballeros de Vargas Scholarship
Richard E. and Cindy Mares R.E. Trust Scholarship
McCune Charitable Foundation Scholarship
Milo L. and Marilyn McGonagle Scholarship
Gabriella Meiden Scholarship
Larry and Adeline Meyer Women in Transition Scholarship
The Millstream Fund, Inc. Scholarship
Joe A. and Dora T. Montoya Memorial Scholarship
Earl Mustian Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Earl Mustian Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Philip H. Naumburg Scholarship
New Mexico Land Title Association “Chili Currier” Scholarship
Nugent Foundation Solar Energy Title V Scholarship
Edward A. Ortiz Memorial Scholarship
Carl F.J. Overhage Memorial Scholarship
Katya Overhage Memorial Scholarship
Kyle Pacheco Memorial Scholarship
Manuel and Elizabeth Pacheco Memorial Title V Scholarship
Manuel J. Pacheco Memorial Scholarship
Laura and John Pantano Title V Scholarship
Eugene and Jane Petchesky Scholarship
Evelyn Petshek Scholarship
Adrienne J. Powell Life Sciences Achievement Scholarship
Quail Run Association Scholarship
Thomas Rainey Memorial Scholarship
Agnes A. Rivera Scholarship
Margaret Roberts Nursing Scholarship
Nicklaus Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship
Martha H. Roy Memorial Scholarship
Rotary Club of Santa Fe Centro Scholarship
Hilda Rush Scholarship
Santa Fe Civitan Club Scholarship
Santa Fe Downtown Kiwanis Scholarship (In memory of H. Gil Fincke)
Santa Fe Lodgers Association Scholarship
Santa Fe Restaurant Association Scholarship
Santa Fe Rotary del Sur Ortiz Memorial Scholarship
Santa Fe Rotary del Sur William C. Witter Memorial Scholarship
Santa Fe Woman’s Club 125th Anniversary Scholarship
Santa Fez Shrine Club Part-Time Scholarship
Santa Maria de la Paz Catholic Community/ Justice & Peace Committee Title V Scholarship
John M. Scanlon Title V Scholarship
SFCC Culinary Arts Scholarship
Bicycle International Technologies/SFCC Recycling Program Title V Scholarship
Stephen J. Sholdes Memorial Scholarship
William A. Simmons Scholarship
Sons of Italy Lodge No. 2581 Scholarship
Elizabeth S. and Paul C. Spirio Memorial Scholarship
St. Elias the Prophet Greek Orthodox Church Scholarship
St. Vincent Hospital Nursing Scholarship
State Employees Foundation Scholarship
Benno Steinborn Culinary Arts Title V Scholarship
Sustainable Technologies Career Title V Scholarship
George A. Tate & Ann Rader-Tate Memorial Title V Scholarship
John G. Valdes Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Vietnam Veterans and Color/Honor Guard Chapter 996 Scholarship
Nancy Wilson and Frank Gibbons Scholarship
David Van Winkle Title V Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Wood Scholarship
Woods Design Builders Title V Scholarship
Zia Insurance Agency, Inc. Scholarship
Zonta Club of Santa Fe Scholarship
Kate Besser Creative Writing Student Awards Endowment
Continuing Education Endowment
Disability Services Endowment
Early Childhood Center of Excellence Faculty Chair Endowment
Early Childhood Development Endowment
Employee Excellence Endowment
Fine Woodworking Endowed Project Support
Jenny Landen New Mexico Nursing Education Consortium (NMNEC) Endowed Project Support
Los Alamos National Security/Higher Education Department Endowment
Patricia Pearce Endowed Project Support
SFCC Library Endowment
SFCC Leadership Institute Endowment
Charles G. Case and Pamela Culwell Sustainability Scholarship
Charles Dale Culinary Scholarship
City of Santa Fe Veterans Advisory Board Scholarship
Contract for a Better Tomorrow Scholarship
Dirigo Hospitality & Tourism Scholarship
Future Forward New Mexico Scholarship
Institute for Mexicans Abroad (IME) Scholarship
LaDonna Knudson Scholarship
Claire Lissance International Student Scholarship
Lauren H. MacDonald Memorial Scholarship
New Mexico Women in the Arts Scholarship
Ashlie Nohl Nursing Scholarship
Lucile June Peters Memorial Scholarship
SFCC Foundation Tribal/Pueblo Scholarship
STEM Technical Woman Scholarship
Students Helping Students Scholarship
Nancy Wilson/Frank Gibbons International Student Scholarship