SFCC welcomes the public to a
Film Program Open House
Noon to 3 p.m., July 31
Learn about the college’s film program, jobs in the industry,
and see live production demos.
Register to receive a reminder.
Join us for a festive Film Open House at the SFCC Campus to learn about the film industry and how to get training and education to prepare you for work in the growing film industry. Learn more about SFCC’s Film Program.
Come and meet SFCC Film Faculty members and representatives from the film industry including the New Mexico Film Office and Stagecoach Foundation. See live film production demonstrations!
Attend all events or stop by for a part of the program.
- Noon to 1 p.m. – Presentations in the Campus Center with student testimonials. Confirmed guest speakers: Stagecoach Foundation, Santa Fe Film Office and former SFCC students who are now successful in the industry.
- 1-2 p.m. – Tours leave every 15 minutes. People can mix and mingle with attending presenters when not taking a tour.
- 2-3:15 p.m. – Class demos: Sample classes in Grip, Film Crew, Drone and Editing post- production. These will be 30 minutes each and repeat with a 15-minute break in between.
Film jobs are on the rise! The New Mexico Film Office reports that openings for film crews are on the rise. In FYI 21, the numbers reflect almost a double in crew days worked when compared to the previous year. See this and other New Mexico Film Office statistics here.
Film Open House sign up
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Santa Fe Community College Foundation
for their support of this event