
Final examinations

For the 8 Week and 2nd 4 Week Session of Summer Semester

Event Series Gordon Fluke Memorial Retrospective

Gordon Fluke Memorial Retrospective

Visual Arts Gallery 6401 Richards Ave., Santa Fe

Exhibition will showcase the art of Gordon Fluke – artist, educator and activist, who died in 2023 Gordon Fluke, who was an artist, educator and activist, died on Jan. 24, 2023. The opening will showcase Gordon Fluke’s artwork and honor his impact in the art world, at SFCC and in […]

Featured Featured

Therapy Dogs in the Library

SFCC Library 6401 Richards Ave., Santa Fe

SFCC Library is hosting a summer finals visit from furry, friendly therapy dogs! Please join us in the Library from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, July 24 for some canine cuddling and stress relief. Sponsored in conjunction with the Santa Fe Animal Shelter's Pet Outreach.

SFCC Governing Board Meeting – Cancelled

Governing Board Room (#223) 6401 Richards Ave., Santa Fe

The Governing Board of Santa Fe Community College (SFCC) will not meet on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.