Earth Angels Film Premiere
5 p.m. Dec. 16, 2020

Join us for the online film premiere of Earth Angels, a film by filmmaker Dr. Michael Keslin, about the advanced technologies that can help address the sustainability and future of the water, food and energy nexus world-wide.

The film highlights the technologies and programs that respond to the global need for food and clean energy while striving to protect the earth’s resources. This is the story of the School of Trades and Advanced Technology at Santa Fe Community College and deals with controlled environment agriculture, and sustainability of food, water and energy. The film is dedicated to the memory of Luke Spangenburg.

The film will premiere on SFCC’s YouTube Channel. There will be a post-showing Q&A discussion with the filmmaker and the subject-matter experts who appear in the film.

Free. Donations accepted for the Luke Spangenburg Memorial Presidential Endowed Scholarship for Algae and Sustainability Studies at  Luke encouraged each of us to carry the spark of love into our work. Honor Luke’s passion for education with a gift that will carry on his legacy in perpetuity of helping students find and shine their light.

Please join Luke’s mother Judy Brookman and his sisters Patricia, Kelly, and Nikki; the Algae Foundation, and SFCC Foundation in contributing your gift to theLuke Spangenburg Memorial Presidential Endowed Scholarship for Algae and Sustainability Studies.

Honored guests to the viewing will include Luke’s wife and children Sarah Ghiorse, Nico and Sade Spangenburg, his mother and sisters and many others from the community and academic groups Luke served and supported.

Questions? Contact Dean Camilla Bustamante,