Santa Fe Community College Federal COVID Relief Information


Santa Fe Community College signed the CARES Act Certification and Agreement with the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) agreeing to spend no less than 50% of the total funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act as emergency grants to eligible students.

Santa Fe Community College received $1,219,106 in CARES Act funding.  During the Spring 2020 term, 50% of these funds, or $609,553, was distributed as emergency grants to 642 students who met all CARES Act funding eligibility requirements. 

During Spring 2020 semester, all eligible participants were in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.  Participants were enrolled in non-online programs and had completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and were in good academic status.  Grant awards varied from $305 to $1,225 based on student enrollment of less than half-time (3-5 hours) to full-time status (12 or more hours).  There were 62 students enrolled in less than half-time and were awarded $305; 139 students enrolled half-time and awarded $615; 115 students enrolled three-quarter time and awarded $920, and 326 enrolled full-time and awarded $1,225.  A total of $609,553 was distributed to 642 eligible students during the Spring 2020 semester.

Initial CARES Notification to Students

Letter for awarded students

Institutions that received CARES Act awards under both the Student Portion and Institutional Portion were eligible to receive CRRSA Act awards from the U.S. Department of Education (DOE). Santa Fe Community College was instructed to spend no less than $609,553 of the total funds received under Section 314(a)(1) of the CRRSA Act as emergency grants to eligible students.

Santa Fe Community College received $3,085,414 in CRRSA Act funding.  During the Spring 2021 term, $1,687,265 of these funds, was distributed as emergency grants to 2,150 students who met all CRRSA Act funding eligibility requirements. 

During the Spring 2021 semester, Santa Fe Community College identified eligible participants as U.S. Citizens, minimum of 2.0 GPA, enrolled in degree seeking program, enrolled in non-repetitive or non-physical education courses unattached to degree programs, and included ESL and Dual Enrollment students.  Grant awards varied from $285 to $1,750 based on student enrollment of less than half-time (3-5 hours) to full-time status (12 or more hours).  There were 854 students enrolled in less than half-time and were awarded $285; 524 student enrolled half-time and awarded $750; 339 students enrolled three-quarter time and awarded $1,125, and 353 enrolled between 12-15 credits and awarded $1,500, and 80 students enrolled 16 or more credits and awarded $1,750.  A total of $1,687,265 was distributed to 2,150 eligible students during the Spring 2021 semester.

For the Fall 2021 term, $1,413,500.00 was distributed as emergency grants to 2380 students who met all CRRSA Act funding eligibility requirements. 

During the Fall 2021 semester, Santa Fe Community College identified eligible participants as U.S. Citizens, minimum of 2.0 GPA, enrolled in degree seeking program, enrolled in non-repetitive or non-physical education courses unattached to degree programs, and included ESL and Dual Enrollment students.  Grant awards varied from $225 to $1,400 based on student enrollment of less than half-time (3-5 hours) to full-time status (12 or more hours).  There were 1084 students enrolled in less than half-time and were awarded $225; 508 student enrolled half-time and awarded $600; 324 students enrolled three-quarter time and awarded $900, and 382 enrolled between 12-15 credits and awarded $1,200, and 82 students enrolled 16 or more credits and awarded $1,400.  A total of 1,413,500.00 was distributed to 2380 eligible students during the Fall 2021 semester.

During the spring 2022 semester, Santa Fe Community College identified eligible participants as U.S. Citizens, minimum of 2.0 GPA, enrolled in degree seeking program, enrolled in non-repetitive or non-physical education courses unattached to degree programs, and included ESL and Dual Enrollment students.  Grant awards varied from $250 to $1,625 based on student enrollment of less than half-time (3-5 hours) to full-time status (12 or more hours).  There were 900 students enrolled in less than half-time and were awarded $250; 456 student enrolled half-time and awarded $750; 287 students enrolled three-quarter time and awarded $1,050, and 308 enrolled between 12-15 credits and awarded $1350, and 101 students enrolled 16 or more credits and awarded $1,625.  A total of $1,448,275.00 was distributed to 2052 eligible students during the spring 2022 semester.  A total of $559,475 of MSI Cares Grant funding was awarded to 477 students in spring 2022. This group of students did not have a recorded citizenship status and were not awarded with regular CARES grant funding in disbursements made from 2020 to 2022. Students enrolled for both fall 2021 and spring 2022 were paid for both semesters.  Grant awards varied from $600 to $1,900 based on student enrollment of less than half-time (3-5 hours) to full-time status (12 or more hours).  There were 377 students enrolled in less than half-time and were awarded $600; 19 student enrolled half-time and awarded $1050; 16 students enrolled three-quarter time and awarded $1,525, and 16 enrolled between 12-15 credits and awarded $1,800, and 4 students enrolled 16 or more credits and awarded $1,900. 

Letter sent to students for second grant award

Letter sent to students for spring 2022

Quarterly Report 12/31/2022

Quarterly Report 09/30/2022

Quarterly Report 06/30/2022

Quarterly Report 3/31/2022

Quarterly Report 12/31/2021

9/30/21 HEERF Report

Quarterly Report: 6/30/21

Quarterly Report: 3/31/21

Quarterly report 9/30/20

Quarterly Report 12/31/20