About the exam: CLEP is a college level equivalency exam intended to help students test out of introductory courses and move toward more advanced courses sooner by testing based on prior knowledge. This can help save time toward a degree. CLEP Exams are typically available Monday, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. From March to June 2025 CLEP exams will be available Monday, Tuesdays, and Fridays instead to accommodate other seasonal testing. Please book your appointment on our Testing Center Bookings page.

SFCC is classified as a National Open CLEP center, meaning that anyone can take CLEP exams through our Testing Center, not just SFCC students. You may take any exam offered by CLEP, but each college and university has its own rules about what tests/scores are accepted for credit at that institution. See SFCC’s Equivalency Matrix here

Test candidates are responsible for knowing which test they need, and which tests and scores will be accepted by schools or programs. You are encouraged to review information and download the Information for Candidates bulletin on CLEP examinations.

If you are under the age of 13 you must complete an underage permission form to be approved for the CLEP exam registration process.

There are two types of Spanish World Language exams offered through CLEP. Check out the below links for more information to help you decide which exam is best for you.

Receiving CLEP Scores

Unofficial scores are received immediately for all CLEP exams except the English Composition with Essay exam and Spanish exam with written component. Those results are mailed directly to the examinee in approximately 3 weeks. All official scores are sent directly from ETS; the Testing Center cannot issue official scores.

To receive college credit for an exam, you must send your official results to the SFCC Registrar’s Office.

Retaking a CLEP exam

You may not repeat an exam of the same title within three months of the initial testing date. If you retake the exam within the three-month period, your administration will be considered invalid, your score will be canceled, and any test fees will be forfeited.

Required Documents

● Printed copy of CLEP Exam Registration with ticket number

Cashier’s Office receipt of paid sitting fee

● Government-issued photo identification

Your name MUST match both your government issued ID and the CLEP Exam Registration print-out.

How to Register

This test has a two-step registration process.

1. Create a CLEP account and buy your exam.

2. Create a bookings appointment for SFCC.

Ensure you have paid the $20 sitting fee at the Cashier’s office prior to exam.

CLEP exams are $95 each (plus SFCC’s $20 sitting fee per exam). However, you may be able to get CLEP vouchers and testing fee reimbursement through your high school or with opportunities like Modern States. For more information on how to participate in the Modern States CLEP Voucher Program, please visit the Modern States webpage.

Testing Accommodations

Please contact the Test Center with a two-week notice to arrange accommodations. You will need to first be approved by CLEP.

Steps to Follow:

1. Review the list of approved accommodations

2. Provide CLEP with applicable paperwork and complete a request form

3. After you have been approved by CLEP, contact the Testing Center for further instructions

CLEP Student Identification Form

This alternate Student Identification form can be used for testers that do not have access to a government issued ID.

Requesting your Official CLEP Score Report:

If you indicated a score recipient institution while registering for the exam in My Account, an official CLEP score report will be sent to that institution within 10 business days. If you would like to send additional transcripts to other institutions or to yourself, please visit this website for instructions: https://clep.collegeboard.org/scores.

The official CLEP transcript is a cumulative report of all the CLEP scores you have earned in the last 20 years. You can choose which CLEP scores to be included in the transcript.