The Santa Fe Literary Review invites previously unpublished submissions of creative nonfiction, dramatic writing/screenplay, fiction, and poetry. We use Submittable, an online submissions platform, for all submissions. SFLR aims to promote a diverse range of writers and artists, and to present a wide variety of stories, styles, and cultural perspectives. We’re especially committed to promoting voices that aren’t always empowered in the publishing world, so if you’re a writer of color, an Indigenous person, a female, a member of the LGBTQIAPK+ community, a person with a disability, a trauma survivor, or anyone else frequently silenced or ignored by the modern media, please submit to SFLR. We care about sharing your voice with the world.
The SFLR submission period opens on July 15, 2025, and closes on November 1, 2025. Our suggested theme for our 2026 issue is “Resistance: Grit, Rebellion, and Dissent.” SFLR editors select work for the next year’s issue each November, and notify writers and artists of our decisions by December 25. If you’ve submitted work and have not heard a reply by January 1, feel free to email sflr(at) to request an update. During our submissions period, SFLR accepts submissions through Submittable only. To submit, access Submittable below, but please read our guidelines first!
Submission Guidelines: Prose
Word limit per prose submission to SFLR is 2000 words per submission period; poets may submit up to five poems per submission period. Dramatic writing should not exceed ten double-spaced pages; SFLR encourages submissions of full-length works or standalone scenes. Please format your submission for twelve-point font or similar, to ensure legibility.
SFLR accepts simultaneous submissions, but please withdraw your submission at Submittable if your work is selected elsewhere. Here’s how. SFLR does not accept writing that’s been previously published.
The SFLR is dedicated to sharing the contributions of SFCC students, Santa Feans, and writers from around the world. Contributors receive two copies of the magazine and are invited to read at the annual SFLR reception, hosted on campus each fall.
Questions? Call (505) 428-1903 or email sflr(at)