¡Palabra!: Gentrification
Gentrification: The process of renewal and reconstruction that accompanies the influx of middle and upper class residents. Gentrification often displaces poorer residents because they can no longer afford to pay rent, eat, and live in gentrified areas. Source: comunidades-justas.org La gentrificación: Es el proceso de renovación y reconstrucción que acompaña […]
¡Palabra!: Internalized Oppression
Internalized Oppression: The internalization of destructive feelings and behaviors experienced by the victims of oppression, which then lead to inaccurate beliefs about themselves and other members of the same target group. A vehicle that makes possible collusion of recipients. Source: comunidades-justas.org La opresión internalizada: La internalización de los sentimientos y […]
Aug.16 FUNdit Win Gift Certificate
FUNDit SFCC is an interactive, informative session that will provide you with the tools you need to raise $$$ and in-kind contributions for your key programs, projects and priorities. The presenter Jean Block is a national expert on fundraising whose trainings are high energy and rewarding. Those who make reservations […]
Dental Booth at the International Folk-arts Artists Resource Fair
Santa Fe Community College Dental Department offered free dental education and basic dental screenings, yesterday at the International Folk-arts Artists Resource Fair 2017 at Christ’s Church on Don Gasper. Our booth was visited by 100+ visitors and 30+ dental screenings were provided. Free giveaway at the dental education booth included; […]
Welcome Our New Registrar
Kathleen is native Santa Fean, having been born and raised here and a graduate of Santa Fe High School and the University Of New Mexico. Her bachelor’s degree is in Vocational Home Economics Education with a minor in Political Science. So how did she become a Registrar? As many know…..no […]
Hablandos Photos
From the June 20 Hablando de Nosotros: Talking about Ourselves Speaking to Issues in Nuestra Comunidad, at the HEC. Photos by Camila Motta.
SFCC Welding Student Places in National SkillsUSA Competition
My name is Frank Trujillo. I recently competed at SkillsUSA at the National Competition in Louisville, Kentucky. Throughout my entire journey, it has been quite the adventure. I was honored to win first place in our State which allowed me to compete nationally. I have learned so much from my […]
President’s Update: Time-Sensitive Health Insurance Cost Analysis Update
Dear Colleagues: When it comes to our health care coverage (both on a national and local scale), the only constant may be change. In April, New Mexico Public Schools Insurance Authority (NMPSIA), of which SFCC is a member, announced increases in copays and premiums (read my original announcement). I have […]
Governing Board Approves Policies
The policies listed below were established or revised and were approved by the SFCC Governing Board during the spring semester. Please click on the links below to learn about each of these. It would also be helpful to become familiar with their Procedures. 2-12 Student Records 2-18 Registered Student Organizations […]
NMPSIA Announces Increases
Related to the budget, we have received notice that the New Mexico Public Schools Insurance Authority is making copayment plan changes on the medical plans effective May 1, 2017. There will also be prescription copay changes effective July 1. And, effective October 1, there will be a 3.98% premium increase on […]
¡Palabra!: Transgender
Transgender: A term referring to a person whose gender identity or gender role performance does not “match” what society considers to be “appropriate” for one’s sex assigned at birth. A Transgender person is someone whose gender display at least sometimes runs contrary to what other people in the same culture […]
¡Palabra!: Youth Ally
Youth Ally: A person who acts in partnership with young people, but does not identify as a juvenile. A youth ally grows out of cultural, social, and institutional relationships, partnerships, and mentoring. An ally of youth is a person who supports and stands up for the rights and the dignity […]
¡Palabra!: Feminism
Feminism is the recognition of the value of all women, and belief in and advocacy for intersectional social, political, and economic equality and liberation for all people. Feminism questions and challenges patriarchal social values and structures that serve to enforce and maintain men’s dominance and women’s subordination. Source: comunidades-justas.org El […]
¡Palabra!: LGBTQ
LGBTQ: People who self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning. An inclusive term that seeks to capture all sexual and gender identities other than “heterosexual.” Source: comunidades-justas.org LGBTQ: Son las siglas usadas por las personas que se consideran lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgéneros, queers o indecisos. Es un término […]
¡Palabra!: Unconscious Bias
Unconscious Bias refers to a bias that we are unaware of, and which happens outside of our control. It is a bias that happens automatically and is triggered by our brain making quick judgments and assessments of people and situations, influenced by our background, cultural environment and personal experiences. Source: […]